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The booming sound of the crowd cheering and the 5 sweaty boys running off stage are the sounds echoing throughout the arena.

"WE LOVE YOU!!" Could be heard from the crowd as the sounds get more distant.

Minho, Jisung, Bangchan, Changbin, and Seungmin made their way to the snack area backstage directly after their concert ended. It was evident the boys were exhausted, but the hunger took over after their almost 3 hour long non-stop performance causing the boys to run to the food they know is waiting for them.

"No, I can't keep running." There were labored breaths heard from the younger two, barely making it to the snack area backstage.

"Jisung, if you don't move your ass right now, I'm taking you off my next song." Changbin's stern voice could be heard slightly ahead of the other boys, not stopping for his other members. The man is hungry and needs fuel to be able to survive their 2 hour drive back to Seoul tonight.

"Come on, Sung. We need to eat quickly so we can get back. We have a packed day tomorrow." Bangchan or more known as Chan, the leader of their group, grabbed the younger's shoulders and moved him forward to continue their way to the food.

The boys made it there within another minute, already finding Changbin with 2 snack bags open, eating from both at the same time.

"Hurry up, we need to be awake at 7am tomorrow and it's already almost midnight." Changbin continues to rush the other members, evidently taking on the role of second leader.

"Who said you can tell us what to do? Chan Hyung is the leader." Was heard from the corner of the room where the youngest of the 5 rests, not rushing for food due to an upset stomach from running around and dancing with not enough fuel in his body.

"Hey, you okay Seungmin?" The leader immediately noticed the nausea on the boy's face.

"Yeah, I'm fine-" before he could finish his sentence, a trash can was brought his way and what was left in the younger's stomach was now in said trash can. Chan rubbed the younger's back, looking at him apologetically. Chan knew Seungmin felt sick all day and yet still didn't take charge and tell their managers he couldn't go on due to Seungmin's request.

"Hyung, I'm okay. Don't look at me like that, it's not your fault." The younger adds as he slowly rises back up.

"Um, actually, it is his fault. He's our leader and shouldn't have let you perform like that." Changbin adds, barely audible due to the food spilling out of his mouth.

"Just shut up already, all of you. It's no one's fault because Seungmin wanted to perform. Can we just get our food, get changed, and get out of here?" Jisung begged, wanting to be in the comfort of their dorm already.

So that's what the 5 boys did, they ate their snacks quickly, taking a few for the road. Ended up changing and suffered the longish drive back to their dorm where their warm beds were waiting for them.

Small 'Goodnight's' were sent from Changbin, Seungmin, and Chan, immediately escaping to their rooms. The eldest going to his bedroom which was thankfully his own room considering how late the boy stays up. Changbin shared a room with Jisung, which the older of the two ran to expeditiously. Then Seungmin and Minho, with the younger one walking sluggishly to their shared room. Leaving Minho and Jisung alone in the living room.

"So, Hyung, are you feeling tired just like the rest of them?" Jisung asks as he plops down on the couch, ready to turn on the television.

"The rest of them? You know Chan barely sleeps." The older adds as he makes his way to the couch as well, smiling when Jisung realizes he will stay out there with him.

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