Ep. 1: Wednesday's Child Is Full of Woe

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( Warning: Some Characters will be OOC.)

(3rd P.O.V.)

A tall brown haired boy walks down a dark hallway to the school's Swimming Pool. He has a emotionless expression on his face, but his eyes tell a different story they hold anger, rage, and most of all hate.

The reason he is like this, is because those bullies bullied one of his "friends" Pugsely. While they didn't spend much time together due to Y/n being in the advanced classes, while Pugsley was in the regular classes, however Pugsley was quite enjoyable to be around, and is one of the few people he can deal with in this school.

As Y/n gets closer to the pool he starts to hear everyone howling in laughter probably about what happened to Pugsley which only infuriated him more. Y/n entered into the school pool, and almost immediately everyone looked at him and the whole room fell quiet.

Y/n had a reputation around the school. He was very quiet around pretty much everyone, but everyone know he's not to be fucked with. Y/n scanned the room, clearly he was out numbered but he didn't care.

Y/n: "Which one of you bullied Pugsley?" He asked with a expressionless face.

A group of boys raised their hands shaking ever so slightly. Y/n looked at them, and began to walk towards them very slowly while leaking his aura which made the boys shiver.

Y/n: "Well now, we have a problem. I consider Pugsley a good friend, and now I'm going to return the favor for him." He says as he rolls up his sleeves.

Bully #1: " W-we a-ain't a-afraid o-of y-you freak." He said in a shaky tone.

Y/n: " Yet, your tone and body betray you." He said in a deadpan voice.

None of them expect Y/n, noticed a pig tailed girl watching around the corner with a evil smile on her face, and slight hearts in her eyes. ( A/n: And so it begins...)

(Fight scene approaching. I'm not good at these, so bare with me.)

One of the bullies ran up to Y/n throwing a sloppy punch aimed towards his head, Y/n swiftly dodges out of the way, grabs the bullies arm, pulls him closer then chops his neck rendering him unconscious. Everyone including Wednesday was shocked on how easy it was for Y/n to take the bully down.

Y/n: " Next." He said calmly in a bored tone.

That seemed to piss off the entire group as everyone started to rush him. Y/n only put his hands in his pockets, which only infuriated them more. They all started punching him, however none of them ever hit him which leaves everyone in complete shock.

Y/n grabs one of them, and judo flips him onto his back then landed a swift kick to the face knocking him unconscious. The three remaining all stood in fear as Y/n gazed at them with a cold glare. Wednesday however was looking at Y/n with admiration, respect, and something she never felt before, but she didn't dislike it.

Y/n: " Come on you three, I thought you were good at beating up people. You guys are considered as some of the most powerful students here, and yet here you are getting beat with no difficulty. What a shame." He says bored already, expecting them to put up much more of a fight.

One of the bullies ran up to Y/n, and tries to land a right hook on Y/n's face only Y/n to simply duck down, sweeping his leg making him hit his head on the concrete.

He groaned a bit before touching the back of his head feeling something go down his neck, when he pulled his hand back to see what it was, all he saw was a red liquid on his hand.

Bully #3: " Y-you made me bleed you fucker!!!" He shouted while glaring at Y/n who doesn't seemed phased at all.

Y/n: " You were coming at me with harmful intentions, so I defended myself." He said with his usual bored tone.

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