Ep 1.5: Wednesday's Child Full of Woe (Continuation)

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(A/n: I'm glad a lot of people like this, seeing the votes and the comments really made my day. Enough rambling let's do this. By the way everyone will be 18, for...reasons.)

As Y/n walking down the hall he notices Enid and Wednesday glaring at each other, and trying to defuse the situation he begins to speak.

Y/n: " Say Enid do you mind telling us about the school, and stuff like that?" He asked her in his usual monotone voice as Enid's mood did a whole 180.

Enid: " Of course Y/n anything for you, and I mean anything~." She says seductively while tracing her finger on his defined chest.

Y/n starts blush lightly, 'What is this feeling' he thinks to himself. Wednesday on the other hand was absolutely furious, 'how dare she put her hands on my Y/n' she thinks to herself.

Wednesday: " Absolutely not" she says as she smacks Enid's hand off of Y/n. " You will not touch my Y/n, you daft bimbo." She says pulling Y/n in her arms.

Enid: " Your Y/n, don't you mean my Y/n, and watch who your calling a bimbo, you goth bitch." She says pulling Y/n back behind her.

They both get in each others face ready to throw down, then Y/n does something unexpected. He kisses both of them....on the cheek. Everyone looks in shock as Wednesday just stood there frozen and as red as a stop light while Enid started to fidgeting where she stood.

Wednesday: ' He kissed me, he actually kissed me, I feel...hot, and tingly. I like this feeling, I-I-I love this feeling. I want more. I need more.' She says in mind while smiling widely on the outside.

Enid: ' Wow, that was amazing. It was like electricity coursing through my veins. It felt wonderful. I need him to kiss me again, and again, and again. Maybe he can kiss me somewhere else.' She thinks to herself.

Y/n: ' Why did I do that' " Now can we just get on with this tour please without arguing." He asked in a bored tone.

Enid & Wednesday: " Yes my love." They both say with smiles on their face. Y/n just sighs, and motions Enid to continue on with her tour. They started to walk down the stairs as Enid began with her tour.

Enid: " Nevermore was founded in 1791 to educate people like us. Outcasts, freaks, monsters, fill in your favorite marginalized group here." She says in a bubbly voice.

Wednesday: " You can save the sanitized sales pitch. I- We don't plan on staying here for long. Isn't that right Y/n?" She asked him.

Y/n: " Maybe I'll stay here maybe I won't, I haven't decided yet." He says putting his hands in his pockets.

Enid: " Why not?" She asked Wednesday.

Wednesday: " This was my parents idea. Oh look." She says pointing at a picture "There's my mother smirking at me. They've been looking for a excuse to send me here. It's all a part of their nefarious, yet completely obvious plan." She said with venom.

Enid just rolls her eyes, and continues on with the tour, something that wasn't missed by Wednesday who scowls at the back of her head.

Enid: " Oh wait, before we can continue. Rumor's been swirling around that you killed a kid." She pointed at Wednesday " And you beat up a group of kids at y'all's old school, and your parents pulled strings to get y'all off."

Y/n: " Yes the rumors are true, now can we please continue I'm tired." He said while yawning.

Enid: " Wow, well what you did Y/n was very, very hot.~" She says biting her lip, and Y/n being the emotionless boy he is, he just raises his eyebrows.

Wednesday just glared at Enid, and grabs Y/n's arm to a larger door. Enid skips beside Y/n, and opens the door which contain a large pentagon filled with students.

Unspoken Love(Wednesday Addams X Male Reader) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن