Chapter 7

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Almost as soon as Chat Noir took off, I video called Alya in a panic. At this point, she knew I was Ladybug. The burden was simply too much for me to take on my own, and so I confided in my best friend. Since then, I feel like our friendship has taken a turn. We truly trust each other with everything now and I knew I could always depend on her. Before telling Adrien, she was the only person I ever told about my secret.

Alya has used her fox miraculous to help me and Chat Noir out a number of times behind the scenes. I didn't know where we would ever be without her. She was an amazing superhero and ally. However, I couldn't tell her about Adrien and his secret persona as Chat Noir. It was out of the question and one thing that was simply way too risky.

Alya answered her phone almost immediately when I began to call, she had a big frown on her face. Her hair was now all a deep red and she often wore it in a high ponytail, it suited her much better. "You hung up on my call?!" She hissed. She hates when I do that, but sometimes it is necessary.

I felt my cheeks start to turn red and I avoided eye contact with Alya. "You'll understand when I tell you why!" I felt my entire face start to burn even hotter. "I-I mean, A-Adrien was in my room!"

Alya's eyes grew wide, and I saw the anger on her face melt into excitement as she begin to grin from ear to ear. I knew this would be her reaction. Even though I had moved on from Adrien when we started high school, she was still a die hard believer that in some way some how, we would end up together.

"He was in your room?! But you guys haven't talked in ages! How was it? What did you talk about? What did you do?" She was yelling questions at me before I could even have the chance to answer. Alya was such a romantic.

What did we do? I thought back to how Adrien and I were Ladybug and Chat Noir. That's how Adrien ended up in my room last night. It was all some big weird coincidence that somehow led to Adrien and I going to the school dance together, and him visiting my room at night and kissing me.

We kissed. All my thoughts came crashing down after that and it was hard to get words out. "W-Well, we're going to the dance together." I continued looking away from my phone so I couldn't see Alya's face. "O-Oh, and we. . .we k-kissed. . ."

I heard a loud gasp from Alya. "I knew you guys were soulmates! It's finally happening. Nino and I knew this would happen one day!"

I quickly looked back at my phone and narrowed my eyes at her. "Soulmates is way too far, Alya! We're only going to the dance right now!"

Alya giggled at me and shook her head. "That's how it always starts, Mari. You go to the dance together, you kiss, you end up getting together. Next thing you know, you're getting married and having kids!" Alya smiled wide. "Wasn't that always your dream, Marinette? And I mean, you've already gotten to the kissing stage!"

I cringed as I remembered how I was in middle school. I would fantasize all kinds of things with Adrien, and I had tons of pictures of him on my wall. It was pretty weird. Gotta change the subject before I die of embarrassment.

"I don't really know what to wear to the dance though. . . I've never gotten to go to one. I was always too busy with Ladybug stuff, I never have the time for boys."

"What's different about Adrien then?"

I stopped in my tracks. What's different about Adrien? Well, he is Chat Noir. That means we can parole and fight akumas together, like we've always done. That's where most of my time goes. So at least we would still be around each other a lot. Adrien also knows my biggest secret now, meaning I would never have to lie or hide anything from him. That was really nice. I can't tell Alya any of this, though.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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