Chapter 2 (updated)

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(Author's note: woah, I really started to write this in 2018. I decided I wanted to continue writing this silly fanfic, so here it is. I am updating all the previous (1-5) chapters, as I have improved my writing and wanted to show that. Keep in mind I started to write this way before season five, and the rest of the chapters will be written without season five being taken into account. Enjoy!)


Chat Noir's eyes had grown rather large, almost as big as a doll's, when I asked that. "You sure you wanna do this, bugaboo?"

"If I can trust you with my life, then I can trust you with my identity. We've fought villains together for three years now." I smiled softly, which had made the kitty blush. "Besides I know you want to know who I am, and I think you deserve to know. After all, we've been through so much together.

"How old are you?" Chat had blurred out. "Do you go to school? Do you have a lot of friends?"

"Huh?" I cocked my head slightly in confusion. "Why these sudden questions?"

"I-I'm nervous too... I think asking questions about one another would make it easier." Chat Noir looked down. I had never seen him so flustered. He's usually such a confident and playful guy, pretty cat like (not like that's very surprising). Is he worried about me knowing who he is? He's probably someone amazing.

I smiled and giggled. "I'm 16, and I go to high school. I wouldn't say I'm very popular, but I have a good amount of friends who I can trust very much."

"No way! I'm 16, too!" The kitty tried to make himself sound happy and excited, but I could tell he was still on edge.

Either way, him at least trying to be excited was cute. It made me warm inside.

"What about you? Are you popular?" I meant it more as a joke than anything. 'Popularity' wasn't something I concerned myself with.

Chat Noir suddenly looked around nervously. "To be honest, I kind of am. . . A lot. But I don't have very many people I'd consider actual friends. I honestly always felt really lonely most of my life. It wasn't until I meant my current friends that I figured out what it really means to be a friend. But y'know--

I cut him off. "Chat, I think we should just unmask now." I kissed him gently on the forehead, and noticed his cheeks turn a deep red when I did so. "I know you're nervous, but it seems like you're just rambling on, and I think it'd be better just to get it over with. Trust me, I'm nervous too. I don't think I've ever been so scared, honestly "

Chat Noir nodded. I could tell he was still nervous and unsure of himself. "I think we should both turn around and unmask, then turn around on the count of three."

I nodded in agreement, but before I could turn around like he had suggested, Chat Noir had sneaked in a quick kiss on my lips. I felt my entire face go as hot as a skillet when he pulled away. 

My entire face boiled as I was taken back by what had just happened. "Chat Noir! You can't just do that!" I wasn't mad really, I think I actually wanted more. It took restraint to not pull him back in for a longer and deeper kiss. I couldn't bring myself to do it though. I'm such a nervous mess.

I was too caught off guard that the guy I guess I kind of like kissed me out of the blue right before we were about to reveal our secret identities for the very first time. It surprised me and I honestly didn't know what to say or how to react. 

While he still had a flirty manor about him whenever he talked to me, I thought he'd gotten over the whole Ladybug thing. All I could do was sit there with my face bright red as I waited for an explanation.

Chat Noir's face was just as red, maybe even redder, than my face. His cheeks looked like bright apples that had just fallen from the tree. He looked down, trying to avoid eye contact. "I just wanted to do that once before you saw who I am, I'm sorry. Being Chat Noir just gives me a confidence boost, I suppose.

He then turned around right on his heels, before I could even reply. After a moment of staring at his back, I did the same. I heard him shout his signature "Plagg, claws in!" which proceeded with a bright green flash I caught in the corner of my vision.

"Ready whenever you are, bugaboo!" It seemed whatever sadness and nervousness the kitty felt had washed over him and he was back to his flirty self. At least on the outside it seemed that way. Was he trying to mask just how nervous he was?

"Tikki, spots off!" I felt my Ladybug self transform to my normal, regular, plain self. A large knot had grown in my stomach; that was it. There was no going back. We were about to do something that there was no going back on.

I swallowed all my anxiety and self-doubt, and shouted, "one!"

Chat Noir counted with me. "Two...!"


When Chat Noir and I had both shouted three, I turned around and opened my eyes. I looked up at his face and---


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