Target acquired

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"Hello? Y/N? Can you hear me?"
My ear piece roared in my ear.
"Yes Charlie I'm okay!" I answer back.
I look insane, talking to Charlie. It makes me seem like I'm talking to myself.
I take a deep breath as I look up from my book. 'The Feminine mustique', a wild choice for a common coffee shop but I didnt want to blend in too much. Plus it will keep men from distracting me from work.
The streets are rustling with civilians. They're all in a rush for some reason, to try to reach their destinations. While my destination is here, for at least an hour. So I'll enjoy my iced chai latte while I wait for him.
My target, 'Tangerine'. I brooding Brit with an impressive stache and an even more impressive resume. His counter part is Lemon. Another brooding brit, both are twins even though they dont look the part. After surveilling the boys for now a week they seem extremely close.
I longed for a closeness like that. Being in this business theres sacrifices you must make. For me I'm an orphaned twenty year old with no family. It's better off that way, no one can hurt loved ones if you dont have any.
I take a deep breath and enjoy the september air. It's just starting to get cold but not coat worthy yet. The best time of year in my opinion.
"Y/N? Do you have eyes on your target?" Charlie whispers in my ear.
"You know I do Charlie. He entered the mens warehouse across the street from me with Lemon. They've been there for roughly 45 minutes but they usually just look around for an hour. I bet they dont pay for what they like, what do you think Charlie?" I question.
"Well... All I know is these young men are quite charismatic yet dangerous so be careful. This is only your thirteenth mission love, please be careful." Charlie voices his concerns.
"You've been counting? And you didnt answer my question! Come on charlie!" I beg.
"Yes lovie, they most likely shop lift. And I must keep records of your missions. I'm your handler. I must take care of you." Charlie states.
"Awe thanks dad!" I joke.
I look up from my book to see Lemon and Tangerine hustling out of the store and into their car. I give them a minute head start before I start to move. I dont want to draw attention. I slip my book back into my purse and push my chair in. I then do a brisk walk to my bike and hop on.
My hair is blown back as I race down main street. I ride on the sidewalk to try to avoid running into their car.
'I need go keep my distance' I think to myself. I spot their black SUV turning down main street so I pause for a moment then make the right down main street.
"Charlie they're just heading home! Dammit!" I shout frustrated.
"Its okay love, just take a deep breath" Charlie reassures me.
"You've been following them for eight hours, maybe just head home it's already seven. You need rest." Charlie adds.
I shake my head and close my eyes. I then inflate my lungs with cold air and push it all out through my mouth.
"They havent done anything but errands! If they're so dangerous then why have they've done nothing but go to this stupid suit store or the grocery store!" I bitch at Charlie. I feel bad that I'm taking this out on him but I literally have no one.
I listen to Charlie take a deep breath and say,
"Its okay maybe they're on a break. Just go home, make some dinner, get some rest. We can retry tomorrow."
I roll my bike into my apartment garage. I usually attach it to the back of my car to avoid using the storage spaces in the basement. My apartment building is slightly on the out skirts of the hustling city. I chose this place because nothing really happens here. This old building is mainly filled with older folk or young college aged students like myself. No one is noisy and it's not a violent part of the city so... a good change in my everyday life.
It's like a little oasis everytime I come home. The elevator scares the shit outta me so I opted to climb up the six flights of stairs to my apartment. Plus it's a good cardio workout when I carry groceries up those stairs too!
The halls smell of old spice and have yellow janky lighting. The carpets are a charcoal grey and the walls a deep blue hue. Very ugly since this building was redone in the 60s but it gives it character.
I then finish my marathon up the stairs and fling open the door to the hallway. Exhausted, I slow inch my way to my little abode. The third door on the right is where I reside, apartment 503. I set my backpack on the floor to dig for my keys. I usually have them out already but my brain is so over the place that I wasnt thinking straight. I dig in my small pocket and find them hiding near the bottom.
I grasp them and fling my backpack back over my shoulder. I go to insert the key into the hole and realise,
'Its unlocked' I think to myself.
I then toss my keys back into my bag and slowly yet discretely grab my .45. I prefer a smaller gun on my person but I'm a sucker for the classics.
I have my .45 gripped in my right hand as I slowly turn my door knob with my left. I move quick! I fling the door open and scan the room, not letting the gun veer from my hands.
I listen closely for a couple seconds...
"Meow" "Meow!"
"Hey Frank! I'm a paranoid girl arnt i?" I ask my handsome man of a cat.
He slowly strides next to me and rubs his body against my leg. His sign to tell me he needs dinner.
I lower my gun and place it back into my bag. I then hang it up upon the hook and head over to Frank's bowl.
To my suprise its full...
"What the..?" I mutter.
I then drop to my kitchen floor as I feel immense pain strike the back of my head. I clench the base of my head as I moan out in pain.
"Careful little one... you're fucking with the big leagues now", a man speaks.
All I notice before my eyes drift me into unconsciousness is, 'Is that a British accent?'

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