Friends or Foes?

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"Now why the fuck are we being surveillanced?" Tangerine says.
"For recruitment... my company would like to... ask if you guys will join us?" I slowly mutter out.
Tangerine let's out a small chuckle, slowly shaking his head.
"Why is your company seeking us out?" Lemon intervenes Tangerines mad man fit of laughing.
"Well, my boss has some dirt on your current employer right now and... I think you should look at it." I say. I slowly go to stand up but Tangerine leaps up from the couch and grabs me by my shoulders. He spins me around and bends me over the couch. He then grasps his tie from around his neck, slings it off, and then starts to tie my hands behind my back.
"What the fuck! I cant get off my couch without even getting restained!" I shout.
"I cant take any chances" Tangerine says. He then spins me back around and plops me back onto the couch.
"Now... what evidence do you have that our boss is trying to fuck us over"  Lemon asks, trying to break some of the tension between Tangerine and I.
"There's emails, bad emails... they want to send you on a train, for an upcoming mission. But it's a death trap! That train will be crawling with assassins. Your boss wants you both dead." I say.
Lemon and Tangerine look at each other, puzzled.
"That's why I was getting up, I have pictures of the emails. You guys were gonna get a call later today from your boss, trip is supposed to be in three days." I say, glaring at Tangerine.
"Tell me where they are... the pictures." Tangetine barks at me.
"Go into my bedroom, my top drawer in my dresser. Its locked but the key is under my jewlary box ontop my dresser. Open my drawer and its underneath some underwear in there." I say.
Tangerine looks annoyed.
"I really have to look through your panties to find your file?" Tangerine snarkingly states.
"It's the only locked place I have in my apartment! Now stop being a dick and go look at the fucking file or you're both gonna be dead sons of bitches!" I yell, tired of Tangerine's attitude.
"I'll go get the file" Lemon sighs, then turns to walk towards my room.
Once Lemon is out of the room Tangerine walks over to me and kneels down. He slowly places his hand on my chin. Gently caressing my chin, I try to pull back but I don't. He's gentle, kind for once.
"Now, I'm sorry for my... interrogation tactics. That was wrong and I'm sorry. I see that now your were only helping us and... I'm sorry for being a dick." Tangerine apologizes.
For what seems like forever I'm caught in his gaze. His icy blues staring into my soul. It sends shivers down my spine. His tonality and words are soothing yet he looks so rough, icy and cold.
Even though his looks and gaze are cold my body is warmer than a heater.
I try to turn my head away, to break the tension. But his finger on my chin forces my head back into his direction.
"Now, can we be civil? Somewhere between friends and foes?" Tangerine asks.
I simply nod my head. I think I can live with that.

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