part 1. kingdom far far away

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Once upon a time, there lived a princess named Dina. Dina was a sweet rule-abiding princess who was forced into this role by another princess named Star Butterfly. She was given her own servants, her own castle, and her own throne room just for a throwaway quest. There was only one thing he had to pull off during this mission, and that was to make the prince of the underworld fall for him.
How Star managed to make him look like a beautiful princess was with the help of pony head. After the makeup and wig were all put on Marco didn't recognize himself anymore. He had sparkly light pink eye shadow with rosy cheeks and a large pink gowned that dragged behind him as he pranced around. The disguise was perfect.
He struck a variety of poses in the full-length mirror, taking in his flawless composure from all angles. "It's perfect," Dina said with a twinkle in her eye. The other princess chuckled as they watched her twirl around the room in her ball gown dress. "You look like a Barbie doll," Star commented. And truthfully, he really did.
Her porcelain skin was flawless and her makeup was even more so. Everything was in place, now the only thing left to do was get the prince to fall hopelessly in love with "Dina." Marco had no idea why he was playing the part of a helpless princess to attract the attention of the prince, but all he knew was twenty bucks was twenty bucks.
"Y'know, this could actually work," Dina stated. She looked nothing like her usual boyish self. Nothing about her appearance screams masculine at all. If he was able to play this Dina character off he would be rewarded with a crisp twenty-dollar bill, and that was an offer he simply couldn't refuse.
"I think you're ready, go get 'em tiger!" Star whipped out something from her pocket. It was a tiny metallic bell with a silver coating along with a gong that was no bigger than a toothpick. She banged the two together and it made a loud rumbling sound across the palace. Nothing happened right away, but after a moment passed the ground opened up, and from the depths of hell appeared an elevator.
It dinged and the door of the box flung open. "Are you sure you can't come with Star? What if something goes wrong-" Dina asked in a somewhat nervous tone. Truth be told she had no idea what she was doing. Even if she was in disguise, she still didn't have the slightest idea how to seduce another man.

"Pfft! You'll be fine~ just go out there and do what feels natural." She shoved Dina into the elevator before she had the chance to chicken out. She held out her magic wand and chanted a spell that Dina had never heard before. This was never a good sign, everytime Star used a new spell something was bound to go wrong.

Dina squinted hard in fear of what was to come. She waited for an extra limb to grow from some weird place on her body or her arm to turn into a tentacle. Whatever it would be she didn't want it to mess up her looks. Once nothing weird feeling happened to her, she gradually peeked one of her eyes open. Star was staring at her with a smile on her lips.

"Woah, you look even better than before," Star said awed by Dina's looks. She had cast a spell that would change the colors of her clothing. Going to the underworld with a bright pink dress on wasn't the best idea if you weren't looking to attract a bunch of attention. Most monsters would be wearing black or red, so Star whipped up something that would blend in nicely.

Instead of a ponytail, her hair drooped causing her long brunette hair to wave down her back. She wore a crimson red flower crown with a sugar skull mask covering her face. Her makeup turned a nice light shade of red and the dress she was wearing turned the signature colors of the underworld, red, yellow, and black. It was perfect.

Star handed her a mirror and Dina looked at her new look

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Star handed her a mirror and Dina looked at her new look. She was astounded about how good she looked as a girl in any outfit they threw on her. "Woah, thanks Star!" She beamed a bright smile at the other girl and gave her a tight hug before stepping back into the box. She took a deep inhale in preparation for what was to come down in the underworld.

"Bye Marco- I mean Dina! I'll see you later!" She violently waved her hand back and forth as the door once again shut tightly. Dina could feel herself growing increasingly nervous as the "calming" elevator music played. Second thoughts about this whole plan began to flood her mind. What if he saw through my disguise or what if it just didn't work?

What if I wasn't seductive enough and he just finds it weird how much I'm hitting on him? She paced around the elevator as thoughts flooded through her mind like a gigantic wave. Then she thought back to Star and how much she begged him to go through with this mission. Dina took a deep breath to calm her nerves as the elevator door slid open.

𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐘, tomco Where stories live. Discover now