Part 2: charming prince of hell

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What do I do, what do I do? Dina held a small solo cup of punch in her hands. There were so many monsters walking around it made her a bit anxious. Her finger nervously tapped the side of the bright crimson-colored cup as her eyes scanned the room for any sign of the prince.

Marco had not officially met him before, besides the few times he popped up in Star's room to confess his undying love for her. As far as she could tell he was a hopeless romantic type. So willing to do whatever it took to get the girl of his dreams, even going as far as following her wherever she went. The prince would probably fawn over every beautiful girl that crossed his path.

This mission would be a piece of cake, hopefully. Dina took a sip from the punch and gained the courage to go out by herself and seek out the dark prince. I guess this blood moon ball thing was a big event. So many monsters lined up wall to wall chatting away in their own small talk conversations.

Dina wasn't quite used to her new size, her dress continuously bumped into other monsters as she made her way around the ballroom. She was tempted to rip the annoying thing off, but then remembered her mission and what was at steak. She sighed, annoyed by her dress and annoyed about how this adventure was going.

There stood a pair of tall double doors in the corner of the room, so that's where she went. She threw herself at the doors and surprisingly they weren't hard to open at all. Her eyes widened she she gazed out into the hellscape. Bubbling craters filled to the brim with magma popped steamy bubbles into the air. Dina proceeded with caution as she looked out over the balcony.

"This is your first time in the underworld I take it." She flinched slightly upon hearing that voice. The echoing sound of the creaky doors slammed shut and silence followed. It was him, I know it's him. Dina whipped herself around only to see the prince of hell standing right behind her.

Dina's mind fell blank as she stared at the man in front of her. He had three eyes with the most beautiful shade of lilac-colored skin. His salmon-pink hair went to a point over his head as two perfectly even demon horns poked from his skull. She never saw him up close before, she had only caught a glimpse of him now and again from afar.

"Mind if I join you?" He asked in a soothing voice. The prince made the work of finding him easy, now was the challenging part. Making the prince of the underworld her lover. "Go ahead, I don't mind at all." She responded. Though she looked calm and composed on the outside, on the inside she was a mess, freaking out about what to say next and if he knew why she was there or not.

"So how are you liking the underworld?" He asked as he leaned against the railing, his three eyes burning straight through Dina's disguise. "Well- It's just like I imagined it to be." She said with a nervous laugh. everything was charred as black as the night sky. What was left of the landscape was either engulfed in a sea of magma or burnt to a crisp by the hell fires.

"I'm not too sure if that's a good thing or bad thing." He chuckled lightly. The prince of hell was nothing like Dina imagined. They have never spoken person to demon, but Dina thought he would be an unjust ruler who enjoyed tormenting people. And yet he actually seemed like a genuinely nice guy.

They sat on the balcony and chatted like they had been good buddies for years. Even though they just met one another, it seemed like they knew each other and were chatting it up like best friends. Dina was so in the moment that she'd completely forgotten about her mission, the disguise, and her plan to make him fall in love with her.

That was until he brought up Star. "It's weird, you remind me of an ex-girlfriend." He said as he pressed his body up against the banister. Dina nervously chuckled as she remembered why she was here in the first place. "Oh really? I don't see it." As the words left her mouth she watched the demon's expression change.

"You know Star?" The demon prince asked. "Well yeah, of course I know Star Butterfly." Dina tried playing it off like every princess knew who Star was. The atmosphere on the balcony changed to a rather unsettling mood. He seemed saddened by this news, was it all because of Star?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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