Don't touch me! (But do)

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Heyo this is a part two to Don't touch me I reread it recently and wanted to make a hurt/comfort part II sooooo enjoy 😊

Tw⚠️ Gore⚠️


3rd POV
Arthur had thought it over for the past week and finally he decided he was going to go after Merlin and (hopefully) bring him back.

The first step was to gather the knights, if this situation turned south he needed backup. And who better to ask for help than his trusty, dusty, and maybe a little crusty friends who also happen to be professionally trained swordsmen?

It wasn't very hard to convince the men to come with him on this dire mission. Gwaine was already worried about the boy so when Arthur told him of his outburst and his leaving Camelot Gwaine was already half way out the gate to bring him back. Yeah you heard me right Gwaine didn't already know, that is the weirdest part, and knowing that Merlin hadn't told his best friend about his leaving for good was infinitely more worrying.

Next up (at the giggle hut -whoops) was Percival who was also easily convinced. The man was big and intimidating sure but the big brute was really just a big softie when it came down to it. He did this thing when he found out  that Merlin was gone where he looked at his arms and did the motion of a hug around the air in front of him moving his arms into a tighter circle until he stopped with a medium sized hole in his arms. If Arthur was being honest the boy looked lost.

And Arthur hesitated to ask but felt like he had to because this was very unusual behavior for Percy. "Um... Percy, are you okay?" Arthur finally got the courage to ask. He then looked to his left where Gwaine stood looking equally perplexed.

"He... he is... he fits here." Percival states very plainly. He is still looking at his arms with empty eyes.

"What do you mean Percy?" This time it is Gwaine who asks.

"When I hug him, this is how my arms wrap around him. It's Merlin sized" the boy elaborates, nodding his head down at his empty arms.

"Oh Percy," Arthur's demeanor softens, "we're going to get him back. Do you want to come with us?"

Percival nods exaggeratedly and stands from his chair ready to follow his king. (Sorry that the characters seem really ooc I just have this headcannon about percival being ADHD, or at least to some degree neurodivergent, and that he is hyper aware of everything around him especially the feeling of hugging a loved one; this is mainly because I have a lot in common with him and kinda projected onto him, also I'm a sucker for soft Arthur, sry if you don't like it)

Next after that was Lancelot (yeah he is still alive, this is my universe and he deserves to live so shhh) he was also easy to convince he had also not heard about Merlin because he was out on patrol for the past few days.

Arthur's next stop was to talk to Leon and Elyan who were on the training field with some rookie knights. Arthur would love to have the whole round table together for this mission but with the seasons changing and a new set of knights to train up he needed to have trustworthy and mature people watching over his kingdom while he was gone. Unfortunately the only people he had left to pick from were Leon and Elyan so I guess they will have to do.

They settled in for the night at the castle planning an early departure the next morning. Commence operation: HELP MERLIN!


The first place arthur and the knights set off to in search of Merlin is Ealdor. In the hopes that Hunith took him home. But everyone was on edge and the fact that it was a two day ride to Ealdor did not make any of their stomachs churn any less. Even Gwaine didn't tell his usual tavern stories.

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