Explain that to me again?

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Oki so I love this a lot, I hope you do too! Enjoy!!💚
Word count:1228


"Alright, so when bringing this to a boil you don't want to let the bubbles get too big. If you watch mine here you can see the bubbles popping inside but there is no rolling boil." Merlin explained mostly to himself.

Arthur had simply come to the physicians' chambers for a tincture to help with his shoulder pain, he pulled it at training earlier and it was giving him some trouble sleeping.

But Gaius has been out all day in the lower town due to an outbreak of the common cold. So Merlin offered to make him some saying the last one had been taken down to Margot the stable hand's, mom's, aunt, who also ran the most popular flower shop in Camelot to date; apparently her hip had been acting up.

Anyways, Arthur was getting distracted, Merlin decided that he was going to teach Arthur how to make the tincture himself because he thought it would be fun. Spoiler alert, it wasn't. After three accidental fires, eight failed attempts, one of which left the two of them covered in green slime (don't ask), they finally seemed to be getting the correct result.

"And why, exactly, don't we want a 'rolling boil'?" Arthur asked for nearly the fourth time within the span of a minute.

"Because the particles will bond together and the mixture will have a much higher viscosity. With its heightened viscosity the mixture will take longer to take effect and the taste will sour more than normal." Merlin was ranting now, it seems he was done being a benevolent teacher, "And in addition to all of that, you'll have to chew your medicine. But if that's what you want then be my guest, bring it to a rolling boil."

Arthur had heard exactly none of that after the word 'particles' came out of his servant's mouth. This was not okay, why did Merlin look so hot while explaining science stuff?

"-thur?" The sound of faint snapping bringing Arthur out of his thoughts.


"Are you okay Arthur? You seem really distracted." Merlin asked. His forehead crinkled with concern.

"Yeah.. I um-... no rolling boil, got it" Arthur tried to flash a bright smile.

Merlin didn't look convinced but decided not to prod. It was getting late anyway and they really should be getting to bed soon anyway.

This final attempt was a success. The final results gave them sixteen bottles of slightly shimmering blue liquid. One of which Arthur snatched to take with him to his chambers.

"Alright Merlin, come help me prepare for bed." Arthur commanded and turned to leave.

"Be there in a sec!" Merlin called after him. He was still putting the remaining draughts away for Gaius to take later.


When Merlin arrived at Arthur's chambers the prince was sitting at the dining table half unlacing his boots to take them off for the night. The vial of pain medicine was resting on the neatly kept night stand to the left of the massive bed.

Merlin sighed contentedly as he made his way to the wardrobe. And, after choosing which trousers he thought fit for the prince's sleep, he gently draped them over the privacy screen next to the fireplace.

The fireplace, right. His next order of business was to create a roaring fire in the hearth to keep the royal prat warm through the night. So, adding a few logs to the hearth, he struck a piece of flint against one of the stones in the fireplace and lit a dead leaf on a small stick on fire.

As Merlin continued to carefully stoke the feeble flame, Arthur came from behind the screen and proceeded to the left side of the bed.

"I hope this works, merlin" Arthur sighs and undoes the cork on the vial. Then he slowly tips it back and swallows the shimmering liquid.

"Well it looks and smells right, plus it didn't explode on us this time. So I'm pretty sure it will work!" Merlin assures him. Merlin lets a smile spread wide across his face to convince Arthur more.

"Well I'm certainly not dead yet." Arthur says after a minute passes.

Merlin stares at him from the fireplace and starts to turn toward the door to leave.

"Wait! Would you mind... um... explaining to me again how the potion works?" Arthur asks, seemingly nervous.

"Arthur... it's late, can't I do that tomorrow?" Merlin whined.

"You're right it's stupid, nevermind." Arthur sounded dejected.

Merlin's brow furrows as his eyes scanned Arthur's face. "Do you actually care about the potion?"

"Well... no. But-"

"But?" Merlin starts turning back toward Arthur.

"But I um... like to, y'know..." Merlin's eyebrows shoot up at the implication as he starts making his way over to the prince.

"You like to what?" Merlin asks.

"Oh come on, Merlin! Do I really have to said it?" Arthur now seems frustrated and plops down on the edge of the bed.

Merlin is now leaning on the bedpost at the foot of the bed while giving Arthur a questioning look.

"I like to mummun no nou nog" Arthur mumbles the second half. (Translation: I like to listen to you talk)

"What? Could you repeat that?" Merlin asks sincerely.

"Mmm! Moh mmgmn nmme mmumm mhmm maaa mmnnggg!" Arthur groans and flops onto his back on the bed covering his face with his hands and speaking more muffled words. (Translation: *groan* Oh my god he is gonna make me say it!)

At this point Merlin makes his way over to Arthur and pulls his arms away from his face. "Listen, Arthur, I'm really tired so either you come or with it right now or we can talk tomorrow."

Arthur sighed. "I just like hearing you talk about stuff you're interested in. You can sleep in the ante-chamber, sorry for keeping you up."

Merlin nodded and made his way to said ante-chamber, bidding Arthur another quiet 'goodnight' as he went.


It was the middle of the night when Merlin sat bolt upright in the bed.

'Did he say he likes when I talk?' Merlin whispered to himself, being mindful of the sleeping castle.

Merlin rushed out of bed still clad in his pajamas.  His bare feet slapped against the cold stone floor as he threw open the ante-chamber door and ran over to the royal's bed.

'Arthur!' He whisper yelled and shook his shoulder.

"Mmh?" The prince grumbled and almost pulled the covers closer.

Merlin shook him harder this time and pulled the covers away from his face. 'Arthur!'

This time Arthur grabbed Merlin's wrist harshly and then his eyes opened quickly. His gaze sharp until it registered Merlin's face and softened.

'What is it Merlin? Did you have a bad dream?' Arthur half-teased.

'No, I just... did you say you like when I talk?' Merlin asked hoping that what he heard was true.

Arthur tensed and his eyes flicked over Merlin's face to see his impending reaction. Well he didn't look angry or disgusted.

"Yes." Arthur sighed and closed his eyes preparing for rejection.

But suddenly Merlin hugged him, "no-one's ever said that to me before. I'm glad you were the first."

Arthur turned back toward Merlin slightly shocked. But he quickly snapped out of it and hugged him back saying, "I'm glad too."

(And then they cuddled and lived happily ever after)


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to suggest other stories to write! Have a good day/night, love you my lovelies!!💚

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