It's ruined

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That's how (Y/N) (L/N) felt after coming across the dating rumours with Jisung. She couldn't understand how this happened, they barely went out with each other and only met at the company building or his dorm, how did everything go wrong? What kind of sick twisted mind would release private photos of her and her lover? The young girl sat confused and distressed, pondering what could be of her future. Whilst she was thinking, a small vibrating sound came from her bedside table. She picked up her phone to see someone was calling her, most importantly, Jisung. Hesitantly she picked up her phone putting it close to her but not a word came from either one of them.

"Jisung... I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry." Tears welled up in her eyes as she spoke the 7 words. Did she just ruin her boyfriend's career and her future career too? "Why are you apologizing? This isn't your fault (Y/N), no matter what has happened or will happen will never be your fault. Don't worry about me I'll be fine." Jisung knew the girl would be beating herself up and refused to let her do that. She was the love of his life and no matter how silly or how messed up the situation could be he'd always want to make sure she was the first one to be okay. But now he was stuck, he didn't know what would happen to the two of them. Would they be kicked out of the company? Would they be forced to break up? Would Lee Soo-man terminate his contract with (Y/N)?

"Yah Jisung, if you're talking to (Y/N) tell her to come over and stay with us for a bit, we're all worried for her and we don't want her in any danger. Please tell her to come." Renjun's voice was heard on the phone startling (Y/N) who was still processing the fact she got into her first very scandal with one of Korea's top idols. God, what would people think of her now? "Mhm Jisung, tell Renjun I'll come over in 30 minutes I just need to get ready and make sure nobody recognizes me." "Do you want me to come to get you? I have time since I don't have a schedule today." She couldn't believe him. He wanted to come to get her right after their dating scandal broke out. (Y/N) couldn't help but chuckle, he was cute even in situations that stressed the two out. "No I'm fine, I appreciate the offer though. I'm going to go shower, I'll speak to you once I come out. I love you." A smile broke out on both of the younger faces, god they are so in love. "I love you too, make sure to be safe when coming to the dorm." The two shared their goodbyes nearly forgetting the situation from earlier. 

Once (Y/N) had exited her dorm she began to walk to the dreamies apartment complex. After 15 minutes of walking, (Y/N) ran into a small problem, outside their dorm building many fan sites were crowded outside with cameras or signs that read "break up" or "your ours, leave her!". (Y/N) stood close to the crowd trying to see if there was any way to get into the building without her being caught by the fans of her lover. Suddenly a hand covered the girl's mouth and started dragging her away from the crowd. 'what the fuck' was all she could think as she was trying to pull out of the unknown person's grip. Was she about the be kidnapped? As much as she tried, (Y/N) was unable to let out a single scream as her mask and the hand of the kidnapper were muffling any sound that came out of her mouth. The frightened girl was being pulled to the back of the building without anyone noticing due to their main concern being the male k pop idol whom she was in a relationship with. 

Once the two had made it past the crowd and into the building from the back entrance was when (Y/N) noticed who the 'kidnapper' was. "Jaehyun sunbaemin? Are you insane?! What the fuck?" The young girl didn't know how to act, her boyfriend's fellow bandmate had come outside, waited for her, and dragged her to the back of the building like a kidnapper and making her fear this was her last day alive. "Language, and don't blame me. It was Jisungs idea, he wanted to make sure you were safe since the number of fans outside could harm you if they realised who you were. This was the only way in getting you in safely." Jaehyun and the rest of 127 were all at the dream dorm. They rushed there to go see how the younger male was doing due to the rumours circulating about him and the girl he loved very much. It was unbelievable how something could change in just a matter of seconds.

𝐀𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐆𝐘 -Aespa 5th memberWhere stories live. Discover now