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YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED (Keep in mind that they are not in the port mafia but a different one)

"O-Onee-san?" [Name] stuttered out, taken aback by the sight before him. [E/c] Pupils are slightly dilated. She was currently pointing a smoking gun towards him, tears pricking her eyes as her hands trembled, breathing raggedly.

They were both in the boss's office. [Name] had run in there to protect their boss/Sensei from the people who were raiding the place but was only to hear the sound of a gun going off and the sickening splatter of brains and blood on the wall. He drew his weapon.

That was when he turned to kill the intruder. Facing the culprit. He felt his breath hitch, looking at the person he now faced. The one person he would have least suspected of being a traitor.

His sister.

Many questions ran through his mind but only one stood out from the rest. 'Why?'.

Years back

"Hey kid guess what." The smooth voice called out to a 13-year-old boy.

"I'm not a kid Junko!" the boy spoke, annoyance lacing his voice.

"Yeah, yeah sure but guess what?"


"Well, your amazing sister found a way for your ability to be even more useful." The taller and older female stated with a proud grin.

[ Character: Junko Nakamura, Ability: Perfectionist Roads, Ability Description: Allows the user to use any weapon with high-grade precision.]

[Character: [Name] Nakamura, Ability: Enemy Of Evil, Ability Description: Allows the user to control those that are inferior to them by creating huge chains. Once the chains touch the target they are now under the user's control without knowing it. ]

"Oh really? How so?" the young male raised an eyebrow at his big sister's statement.

"Follow me and you'll find out~," The taller said in a sing-song voice teasing her little brother.

The two siblings were now walking down a dark and creepy staircase to the basement of the building. [Name] wasn't going to lie the place gave him the creeps. Junko took out a key card from her coat pocket to open the door.

It reeked of death inside the basement, the smell came from all the hostages that the mafia had taken over the years.

[Name] gagged at the putrid stench. His sister took notice and said, "Don't worry you're gonna get used to the smell when they start giving you interrogation duty," Junko said to [Name] who was trying his Best not to throw up from the smell.

Junko used a key to open the doors of cell #53. Inside was a woman chained to the wall.

She had long reddish-brown hair, and her clothes, hair, and face were scratched, bruised, torn, and messy making her look as if she was dragged through hell and back.

"What, you brought a brat in here to finish the job!? Hah, and I thought you couldn't be more pathetic!" The woman spat.

"It's funny you can still talk like that despite the position you're in.", Junko snapped back.

"Now [Name], this is the start of your ability's development!" Junko exclaimed while gesturing to the chained-up lady.

"What?!" both [Name] and the lady yelled in unison. "You heard correct." Junko smiled.

"Now, why don't you tell my beloved little brother what your ability is," she stated.

"I'm not gonna tell that brat anything bitch!", the woman spat.

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