𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1

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"WHERE IS THAT BLASTED BANDAGE-WASTING IDIOT?!?" Kunikida yelled. He and Dazai we're currently on a mission to look for a tiger that's been terrorizing town. I just happened to meet him while I was out and decided to join them, after all, I currently don't have anything better to do.

"There's a bridge up ahead, maybe he tried to drown himself again?" I pointed out. "He knows we have an important mission and he decides to jump in a river!" Kunikida continues ranting as we made our way down to the riverside.

Just as I suspect Dazai did in fact try to drown himself. "There you are you blockhead!!" Kunikida yelled at Dazai who was on the other side of the river.

"Nice work, Kunikida-kun!" Dazai shouted back waving at us. A boy was also with him, he looked horrible. Torn clothing, scratches on his skin, soaking wet a terrible hairstyle, he's probably cold and hungry...poor thing. 'Poor boy, I wonder if anyone claims him." I thought.

"ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?!" Kunikida's loud voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Kunikida-kun, shut up. You're yelling's going to give me another headache." I complained.

"No one told you to follow me!"

"Actually, I had a vision that I needed to follow you, something is going to happen today and I don't want you getting hurt." I lied.

"Wait, what's going to happen?!" He asked turning serious. "Something," I said and turned away. He tried to get me to elaborate but I stayed silent suppressing a chuckle.

"Very well, let's have Kunikida-kun treat you to 30 bowls of that!" Dazai exclaimed. Kunikida turned to yell at Dazai once again, "Don't get generous with my money, Dazai!" He barked.

I chuckled at the interaction between these two, they never fail to entertain me.

It was night by the time we arrived at a random teahouse. Dazai explained the boy's situation, and he also introduced himself, Atsushi Nakajima.

"Who goes 'That's a nice river!' and takes a jump into it while in the middle of a job?!" Kunikida scolded Dazai. Atsushi was already gobbling down his 28th serving of 'tea on rice' I sat beside him while Kunikida and Dazai sat across from us.

Kunikida was ranting about how they were 'incredibly off schedule now' due to Dazai. "You sure do like your schedules, Kunikida," Dazai said.

Kunikida slammed his book of ideals down on the table, "This isn't a schedule, it's an ideal, my way of life. Nowhere in this book does it state that my work partners are a suicidal manic and a bellicose sadist!"

"Low blow Kunikida, low blow." I sighed shaking my head at him.

"Gom nom mn ngm nom," Atsushi said.

"Shut up" Kunikida replied sitting back down before continuing to complain.

"Nom gm gom gone?"

"Like I said it's a job."

"Gm nm nom gmn?"

"Our job today? It involves the military."

"How are you two communicating?" Dazai and I asked.

After Atsushi finished his 30th bowl he patted his stomach, "I'm so full. I don't want to eat another bowl of 'tea on rice' in another ten years" he said happily.

That upset Kunikida further and he complained again about Atsushi eating so much with his money. "Atsushi-Kun, you've got some food on the side of your mouth," I said as I took a napkin and wiped it away. "Be less sloppy when you eat." I gave him a close eye smile and put the napkin in a bowl.

"Uhh...thanks?" He said slightly looking confused. 'I hope no one claims him, he'll be a perfect addition to my collection!' I kept staring at him as my thoughts ran wild.

I only paid attention to some key notes, like how he's an orphan who got kicked out of his old orphanage and doesn't have a place to stay or someone to go to. 'Such a forlorn boy.' my eyes held an ecstatic glint the longer I thought of Atsushi-kun's situation.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Atsushi fell to the floor. "I..I.. I'll be leaving now, G-Good-bye." He said as he tried to crawl away from us.

"Wait brat!" Kunikida grabbed Atsushi's shirt collar and pulled him up. Atsushi got scared and tried to run away but ended up running into space. "You know something we don't, don't you?" Kunikida asked.

"You can tell us what's wrong, Atsushi-Kun." I smiled at him reassuringly. "No one can take it on!" He yelled. "You know the man-eating tiger?" Kunikida asked.

Atsushi explained how the tiger is following him, how it wants to kill him and how he needs to run and hide before it catches up and finds him.

Kunikida let go of Atsushi causing him to fall on his face but kept him held down. "Now now Kunikida-kun, whenever you ask questions it turns into an interrogation. The CEOs told you about that before," Dazai interrupted.

"Tch" Kunikida let go of Atsushi and Dazai stooped down to ask him a question. "What do you know about this tiger?"

"It trashed my orphanage, ravaged our fields, chicken coop and even our warehouse. No one died but since we were already on a shoestring budget they had to kick me out, so they had one less mouth to feed," Atsushi sadly explained.

"What a shame kicked out of your orphanage and almost killed by a man-eating tiger," I said smiling slightly. 'Oh, this keeps getting better and better!'

"When was the last time you saw the tiger?" Dazai questioned seriously. "I think it was around Tsurumi, about four days ago," Atsushi said. Kunikida confirmed that the sighting was true, "Atsushi-Kun, are you free? " Dazai asked him.

"I can already tell that something good is going to happen," I stated picking up my coat and heading towards the door. "I'll take my leave now, have a goodnight, everyone." I waved as I headed home. As much as I wanted to stay I have to get home to feed my beloved cat 'Ru-ru'.

 I walked through Yokohama's bright and lively streets to my apartment complex. When I opened the door to my dark and lonely apartment, Ruru ran up to me and began rubbing her tiny fluffy body against my leg. "Well hello there Ruru~! How is my baby girl doing?" I cooed scooping her up in my arms. Ruru purred happily snuggling into me. I carried her to the kitchen and dropped my coat onto the sofa.

I set Ruru down on the floor and took out some cat food from the cabinet for her and a few bottles of vodka for myself. After feeding Ruru and drinking my fill I lay down on the sofa. After a while, the room started to spin a little bit, 'Maybe I drank too much tonight?' I groaned to myself as my head hit the pillow.

'I wonder how Dazai and Atsushi are doing with the tiger hunt...Now that I think about it, Atsushi-kun's story doesn't make much sense.' I continued thinking.

'Why would an orphanage kick out only one child? It would make more sense to fire some staff and kick out half of the kids or maybe more.' I reasoned. 'They could've told Atsushi a lie to not have him worry about the other kids but why would they even put effort into telling only Atsushi that? Why would the tiger follow only Atsushi? Surely a boy such as him wouldn't be enough to satisfy a tiger..it makes no sense!' The more I thought about it the more I couldn't figure out how to make sense of it all.

The only way this would make any sense is if Atsushi...IS THE TIGER?!' Something in me sparked at the theory, something I've been desperately trying to suppress for a while.

'If Atsushi is the tiger...Oh, how much fun I'll be able to have!' My eyes widened when I realized that my sadistic desire slipped out I shook my head violently trying to rid of the thought. But my mind wasn't having it, it won't go away. Instead, I found myself getting excited over the possibilities.

Suddenly my phone ringing cut off my train of thought. I went to grab my phone and saw that it was Kunikida calling.

"I need you to head to the warehouse in the 15th district! Dazai said the tiger is there! Kunikida informed me.

"I'll be right there!" I slurred and shot up from my sofa, my legs wobbled a bit, causing me to fall to my knees. My head was dizzy as I stood up, I staggered my way towards my door but collapsed with a loud thud. I did my best to crawl to the door but my body was getting weaker, and soon enough everything went black.

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