Snow White

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Snow White.

I think we need to address the fact that she's is fourteen.

Fourteen years of age.


And then there is her prince. He looks like he's twenty.

If you're twenty-something years of age, it's not okay for you to be running around kissing half dead fourteen year olds.

You barely know her. That's weird.

And when Snow was running away, did she never stop to think about calling for help? I mean, she was the princess. I think someone would've helped her if she yelled out.

But we can't have logic interfering with a Disney movie, now can we?

Let's move on to the dwarfs.

First off, shoutout to my friend Dopey, keep doing whatever you're doing because I love you.


Snow White, you shouldn't barge into random cottages located in the woods.

I don't care if you have nowhere to go, but that was the worst place to hide.

Do you know who lives in cottages buried deep in the woods? Murderers, that's who!

And that's an invasion of privacy. Like no, stop. You can't just come and go into other people's houses as you damn well please.

And why are the dwarfs so chill about it?

"Oh hey! Some random chick came into our house, basically breaking in. And she touched all our stuff. Now she's sleeping on our beds. Seems legit, let's keep her."

But you know, plot.

And another thing. The whole dwarf-mining thing. Who were they working for? Why did they mine? Was there some diamond company the dwarfs worked for? Is that why they were able to live in a picture-perfect cottage? Because they weren't behind on mortgages and bills on the cottage? But whaaaaat? Someone please explain to me the whole dwarf economy system?

Now then, the queen. She's so vain. Like she tried to kill a fourteen year old just because she was prettier than her. WTF DISNEY.

And the entire "turn into an old hag" thing was hella creepy. Like no. And then she falls off a cliff and dies. Because of the dwarfs.


I actually hate this movie.

Peace out.

*short rant but whatever*

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