Class 1A so far!

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Class 1Eraserhead'so Monoma. Quirk: Blood Copy (The consumption of someone's blood allows him to use their quirk, the more blood and training, the longer the duration!)

2- Umi Shigaraki. Quirk: Creation Flames (Allows the ability to generate flames that not only burn but also create whatever the user can manage, draining energy from said user!)

3- Haru Bakugo. Quirk: Explosive Gravity (Allows the user to generate their own gravitational pull, that can be turned into a fierce explosion! This can also be used on objects!)

4- Hachi Hogosha. Quirk: Wasp (Gives all the powers and abilities of a wasp!)

5- Hito Ojiro. Quirk: Chameleon (Gives the user a powerful tail and the ability to become invisible, also being able to change colors!)

6- Machiko Mineta. Quirk: Stick n' Stretch (Allows the body of the user to become a purple sludge/slime that can be sticky or stretchy, that's also incredibly strong!)

7- Sachi Chisake. Quirk: Overhaul (A more refined version of the quirk Overhaul, allowing the user to take apart anything and then reform it with no flaws, or can put it back together exactly as it was before with no errors!)

8- Sanori Tokoyami. Quirk: Shadow Frog (Let's the user control shadows and turn them into frogs!)

9- Jana Kaminari. Quirk: Electro Jack (Gives the user extendable earphone jacks and the power to create massive amounts of electricity!)

10- Maiko Midoriya. Quirk: One For All (A power that gets passed down from one generation to the next!)

11- Kei Iida. Quirk: Engine (Grants the user of the quirk engines on their arms and legs, the ones on the arms capable of resizing themselves!)

12- Eijika Kirishima. Quirk: Acidic Hardening (Let's the users body produce an acid substance that can be hardened, becoming as strong as concrete!)

13- Aia Shinso. Quirk: Vocal Puppeteer (Gives the ability to use the voice to control both man and machine if either a question is answered, or they listen long enough!)

14- Anzu Sato. Quirk: Sugar and Spice (Sugar gives amazing strength, while spice grants regenerative abilities!)

15- Reiji Todoroki. Quirk: Freeze and Blaze (The right side generates blue flames while the left creates white ice!)

16- Satoru Sero. Quirk: Wrapping (The slots on the arms are able to create fabric, ranging from tape, to Eraserhead's capture scarf!)

17- Izhi Shirakumo/Kurogiri. Quirk: Mist Gate (She can manipulate a blue mist she creates, and can also use it to make warp gates as long as she knows where she's going!)

18- ????

19- ????

20- ????

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