S2 Symbol Of-.... Rage

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Haru never lied about something involving his quirk, his parents would kill him! And yet....

"Let's try.... AP shot!" Haru shouted, using his black explosions.

He was experimenting. Now if only he could contact Midoriya.... The damn nerd would probably examine the hell out of his new power! Hell, he felt so much better than before, like he'd been renewed!

"This new power of yours is powerful, and yet you look puzzled by something." Best Jeanist said.

".... This power of mine was locked away, wasn't it?" Haru asked staring down at his hand.

'So, he finally gets it.' Best Jeanist thought. "You don't say, well perhaps you should question your parents about it, seeing as how it's a combination of both quirks." He said.

Haru clenched his fist, Best Jeanist coming up behind him. He put his hand on his shoulder, saying "I think.... You were given a break for the next 3 hours, and happened to be passing by the Dynamite agency."

Haru did a double take.

"You're helping me?!" Haru exclaimed.

"A parent should know when to tell the truth. I thought that I taught Bakugo better than this, but it seems I must once again beat the knowledge into him."


At Dynamite's agency, the front door was slammed open.

Katsuki sat in a large office, hearing the slam.

"Cheeks, were you expecting Endeavor's fat ass to come by or something?"

Ochaco stared and said "No, you know I hate the bastard!"

The two watched in shock as Haru Elizabeth Bakugo opened the door, slamming and locking it behind him.

"TALK! What's up with my quirk, and what did you do to it?!" He demanded, slamming his hands on the desk.

Both of the pro heroes froze. He took their silence as a conformation, and Katsuki sighed.

"Cheeks, we need to tell him...."

"Tell me what?!"

Ochaco gestured for him to sit down.

Ochaco cleared her throat, before saying "When you were born Haru, you were believed to be like any other child, an amazing kid with a promising quirk and heir to the Bakugo name. But eventually, you're quirk came in.... Well, one half of it."


"Your quirk let you float things and make your own gravitational pull, along with explode it at will. We were all so thrilled until...."

She looked way, Katsuki continuing.

"Until the second half of it came in. Your explosions were- are gravity based, making them strong enough to literally rip holes in the fabric of reality, essentially creating a black hole."

Ochaco nodded, saying "We weren't worried at first, but over the days, your power grew and grew, we couldn't stop it! That and your temper made it dangerous. Your quirk quickly became destructive and too much for us to handle so...."

Katsuki looked down, saying "We were forced to.... Remove this power."

He looked back up, thinking back to that day.

*11 years ago*

"Katsuki, are you sure you want this?" Rai questioned.

He nodded.

Deku pointed his Blackwhip out, wrapping it around Haru to restrain his arms.

"Got him, it's now or never!"

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