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Spring of 1920, Samarkand.

  It's been two days. The bodies of the fallen have been cast in enchantments and are prepared for the trip back home. Most of the citizens of Zahadar surprisingly survived the onslaught. As soon as the Empress died the minions and sentinels fell apart and boiled away. It's safe to assume the ones in Aurora did as well.

  Mathew has no recollection of what he did. He was horrified to learn of what he did and how long it's been. He wept in his makeshift hospital bed but he denies it. Gabriel slowly recovers from the broken spine near the Hero King. He'll be in a wheelchair for life. Garth, Barry, and Cynthia are also okay. Just a few cuts and bruises.

  After the battle, the people of Samarkand looked at the Princess of Albion in awe. They didn't object when she wished to fill the power gap. They were almost relieved. She will be better than the Empress. They will no longer live in fear.

  Now two days after the battle Levvy Finn and his men arrive in Zahadar. He seeks out Vyra who has taken residence in the palace. He bypasses several Northerner men and is led by a Samar child to the throne room. There he sees the young woman he grew to see as a daughter.

"Vyrance, I know you'll argue with me but I'm here for you. Your mother is worried sick. She wants you back home. Things are becoming heated there."

  Vyra wipes her face of tears and readjusts herself. Her face is more elegant now. She looks older and wiser.
"You keep what you kill Mister Finn. You once told me that long ago. So, please turn around and tell my mother what I plan to do here. Please."

"I can't do that Vyrance." He challenges her. He knows he can't do anything. These people seem enamored with her.

"Levvy, this country needs a leader that can guide them out of Darkness and repair the damage that the Empress has wrought for so long. Would you rather a Hero rule or some power-hungry gangster fill in the power gap? The citizens know what I did." Her voice is unwavering.
Levvy Finn just stands there his gaze challenging the princess as she sat upon the gilden throne.

"I may return to Albion to gather my things and Reaver's as well. It will help make my new home more lively."

"Alright, princess. I'll leave." He smiles and tips his hat.

"You'll always have a place here Levvy remember that." She smiles at him.

  Mathew walks by Levvy and enters the throne room. Vyra just gives him an empty stare.
"How are you feeling Grandfather? It must be weird to be called that huh?" Vyra gives a faint smile. He looks like he could be her older brother. Not her grandfather.

"I am feeling better. Though I still feel like I'm going to be sick. Being called grandfather is strange. It sounds foreign. I've missed so much. I don't know where to begin." Mathew trails off.
"Things will be okay grandfather. I'm positive Pema will step down once she sees you. Garth and the others will be there to support you." Vyra reassures.

  Mathew blurts out.
"Why aren't you returning to Albion with us? I thought you'd want to see Reaver laid to rest?"

"I can't bare the pain right now. Things have taken a turn and I just want to stay here for a bit. Until things get sorted out here. Then I'll come to your castle and ask where he's at." Vyra explains.
"I can understand that. Do you want me to stay with you awhile or not?" He asks.

"I'd prefer if you left with Mr. Finn."

  He smiles at her and motions for her to come close. She obliges and lets herself be crushed in his bear hug. He rubs her back. Not only two days ago he was trying to kill her.

"I'm glad you aren't as upset now. It tore my heart out to watch you cry." She says to Mathew.
"You saw that?" He almost laughs.
"Yeah, I did. I don't blame you. You've been asleep for so long." Her voice is soft.
They pull away from each other.

"Can you tell me what my son looked like?" He asks. It wasn't fair for him to miss his second child.
"He looked like you. His skin was just darker from Grandma's side. There are plenty of pictures of him at the castle. He looked haggard though by the time he died. I miss him."

  Mathew seemed content with her answer.
"Hey, Vyra I heard about you and Reaver... I'm so sorry about him." He rubs her back.
"It's fine. He wasn't doing the best and it's kind of morbid of me to say but I'm glad he went out in that way."

  He hugs her one more time and kissed the top of her head.
"I should be going now. The boats won't wait forever. Again I'm sorry about everything. I'll write and visit you when I can. Bye V."
She flinches at being called V but recovers and waves as he left the room.

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