( chapter 1 )

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" P-please .. dont ...hurt me!.."

A small voice spoke as their body trembled on the ground,the cold wind nipped their pale skin as they shiver,
tears over their red puffy cheeks from all the crying, as a dark voice spoke up, " oh shut up brat "the man exclaimed as he walked away; leaving the poor child alone in the room.

Light sobs ehoed in the white room as the child cried there staying on their spot.

' why,why did i had to be here,if only i hided or escaped actually,i wouldn't be in this mess' they thought, as they felt a stabbing pain on their leg that had a stab wound on it,it was like they were being burned from the inside as they shivered at the cold wind that nipped their pale skin,they got up slowly,but then they stumbled and fell back down.

they grunted as they ball up their fist as they grunted again getting up,but instead of going slowly,they shot up and walked to their bed,ignoring their burning wound on their leg,they stumbled a few times when walking over,but managed to get to the bed before they collapsed.


As they sigh,and sat up straight on the bed,feeling the stabbing pain on their leg,they grunted as fix their position on the bed,they slowly looked down to see a wide stab wound on their right leg,they then looked around to see if there's anything that they could use to patch it up,they then grab the sheets/blanket of the bed anf rip them apart and tied the piece of fabric on their wound as they hissed in pain,as a burning pain followed,they then looked at the bleeding wound as it continues to bleed,they slowly lay back down and shut their eyes close.

A small little child giggled as they walked over to their parents as they smiled,the mother laughed as their child gave her s flower "oh,how lovely,where did you find it milly?" The mother asked looking down to their child,milly smiled and said "i found it in the field not that far!" They exclaim happily,then the mother turn to her husband and said "look what milly found,its beutiful, isn't it?" She asked looking at her beloved husband "yes,it is beautiful,its beautiful as you~" he said as he sang the last part.

Milly smiled as they looked at their parents.

A loud bang came from the cell door,as the child gasp as they shot up,then a huff cane from the scientist that had enter the room,the child looked at the scientist in fear of what their going to do.
"Good morning 806~" he sang evil-y with a grin on his face as he approach the child,the child gulp down feeling their heart race,he walked slowly over to the child,they shivered in fear,as he then got close enough and said "oh sweety~,please stay still~" he sang as he brushed the brown wavy hair off of the child's face attempting to calm them down .He then whisper "its alright" he told the child,but the child knew that he was going to do something horrible again,he then inject a syringe on the child,the child gasped as they looked up at the scientist . He then said "don't worry nothing Will happen to you,well.. not now that is"the scientist said as he said the last part in a whisper like tone,as he then walked away leaving.

The child trembled as they felt a sharp pain went through their body like something stabbed them,they clutch their hand on their chest as they tried to breathe,but it was hardly working as they then put their self against the wall as they clutch their fist tighter,as tears prickle their eyes feeling a sharp and burning pain went throughout their body once more...


"Diego,we need to make her use her power"

"But how?"

"I have a plan"


"806!,wake up,you have a new friend"
A scientist spoke,as he dropped a little girl in the cell,as 806 got up and looked at the girl,she had the same puffy rosy pink cheeks that seem to be from all of the crying she did,as 806 struggled to go over to her,she then looked up to see a child about her age,they both looked into each other's eyes as they both knew they went through the same thing everyday.

Then 806 said "h-hello"806 said roughly.

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