( chapter 3 )

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Warning: strong language/swearing


( Treasure 's pov )

I sat up on my bed looking around in the white wall room,it was ... quiet.. maybe milly was getting tested on.. again..

I huffed as I pushed all of those thoughts away and got up from the bed,"what am I gonna do here...?" I asked myself staring at the white blank wall,ugh my head hurts just by looking at that wall, I thought to myself laying back down wondering what was going on outside this cell....


( ???? 's pov )

As the guards lead me to this room,where i saw a child sitting in the middle of the room,
"What is this? Some daycare? What is a child doing here?!" I exclaimed angrily looking at one of the scientits that stood there with a clipboard, "well,she is 806,she is the first ever expirement who successfully lived after the tests " "mhmm,i see,let me see her file" i demanded as they handed me a file,i opened it,

Revealing the child's picture and their info, I read through it,seeing that they've had been here for the last 4 years,who successfully lived after the dangerous expirements of this every laboratory, it said that they could summon a shadow like form that could currupt or control anybody,as the rest of it's powers were still unfound or unknown.

I let out a hum,as they nodded,as they pressed a button,it made something appear in the room,that made the child jump in fear,i watched carefully as they shivered,whimpering,i narrow my eyes as i stared at them with a glare,it seemed that they couldn't see me,as i saw it was a hamster, they crawled backwards,trying to get away from the thing,since it seemed ,they have never seen one of those creatures before.


Warning:⚠️ blood ⚠️


They looked away,with teary eyes,as a shadow like form covered it,and instantly killed it like a bomb that exploded it.

Blood splatting everywhere,as the child shivered,opening their eyes,as they saw the blood,they quickly got up and ran to the corner of the room, as their small body trembled,blood covering their half of their cloths.

As i stared in shock,but unimpressed,

' is that all they could do? ' i thought,as i looked back at the file and back at the expirement.

"Run a few more tests,let's see what else they could do" i told them,as they nodded ,writing something down onto their clipboards.


" im unimpressed of what you did,but can you atleast transfer her to another facility "

"No,she stays here,she's my sucess "


The guard held a shock remote in hand,as he forcefully lead 806 back to hee cell,' wait.. where treasure?' 806 thought as they looked inside of their cell that seemed to have a window to look inside of it.

Staring blankly at the emtpy room

The guard then opened the cell door,and pushed 806 inside,in a rush as they shut it closed afterward.

806 looked around the room,as they whince,getting up from the cold ground,their knees all bruised,and newly cutted wounds.

806 limped over to their bed,which was a bit far from,as they slowly sat down,as they whince at the peircing pain that peirced in their abandonment and leg ,as they then lay down,and hugged their knees,covering theirself with the thin white blanket.

As they slowly drifted off to sleep,forgetting about their friend who was in a different cell...


" but sir,you can just-"

-banged their head on the wall-

"Oh shVt the fVck up"


( ? ? ? ' s pov )

I feeling of arms,wrapped around me like a blanket,as i flutter my eyes open,everything was so bright,that i closed them back shut,
I squinted my eyes,adjusting to the light in the room,to find myself... somwhere else...

I wasn't on my.. bed..

I was on a more cold table,i slowly got up,feeling my head spin the right time i got up,
My head pounded in pain,spinning me in an endless circle,as i quickly placed a hand on my head.

My eyes closed shut,feeling nauseous.

"Ugggghhhh" i goaned,looking around,"w-hwere a-@m i-! ¿"

Then i looked at a door,that swung open to reveal a scientist?

Beofre i could even protest what was going on,i blacked out,meeting the dark endless void.. again .


The scientist grinned as they inserted an IV onto their hand,they then looked back to the bag that hung,as the liquid inside slowly dripped to the tube of the IV.

The exprement laid there unconscious,as their small body shivered.


"What the hell do you think your doing!"

"I'm getting  back what's mine "

"You can't just kidnap my creation!"

"Well,you illegally kidnapped that kid,you illegally started this illegal facility,so i think i can illegally kidnap them back "

"You son of a b!tch "


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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jan 31, 2023 ⏰

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