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Conner looks out the window, "it looks like she's here already." He said to Sebastian. "That was quick-" Sebastian replied, while peeking over the window to see what she looked like. "Damn—you've got a smoking hot fiancé at you're doorstep-"

"Eh em! Fake fiancé—" Sebastian corrected, clearing his throat.

"I mean looking like that? She definitely deserves to be the real deal." Conner teased.

"Shut up! What if she hears you, she's right outside!" Sebastian said sighing.

He then  opens up the door for her.

"Hey!" He said welcoming her in.

"Hi..thank you for having me." She said smiling as she walked into his home.

"Of course make yourself comfortable." Sebastian said smiling slightly.

Leena sat down and smiled. "Whenever you're ready."

"Uh..would you like something to drink? We've got water and tea.." he said scratching his head, a bit awkwardly.

Leena laughs a bit, "water is fine.." she said responding to Sebastian.

Sebastian went to go get leena  a glass of water, while his brother kept her company.

"And you are?" She asked looking over at Conner.

"I'm Sebastian's brother Conner. I'm the one who gave him the whole idea."

"Why? Might I ask?" Leena looked over at Conner curiously.

"Well, he's got this crazy ex her name is Mia, she won't leave him alone. It's been two years and she's still not over him, so at this rate, he will do anything to get her out of his life. Hopefully having a fake fiancé can do the trick." Conner responded.

" well in my experience if she's really in love with him I don't think it'll be that easy to get over him and I don't blame her. I certainly don't think it makes her crazy to still be in love with him. It seems like she really loves him." Leena replied in a little bit of a sassy tone.

"Well if you think of it like that." Conner responded.

"How long were they together for?" Leena asked Conner.

"A year." Conner responded.

"Then I think, it's reasonable to still feel that way. If you've been with someone for a year, then it wouldn't be so easy to move on if you really loved that person. I think that if someone can easily move on from a years worth of a relationship then it wasn't really love, that does seem kind of messed up to me." Leena said a bit annoyed.

Sebastian had came back with the glass of water. "Well, we were on and off. Even though  it was a year for the both of us, we couldn't make things work, because no matter how hard we tried, the relationship just never ended up being successful. If it was meant to be we would've worked out, but it's just, not meant to be. I'm moved on from her. I just think it would be healthy if she moved on too." Sebastian replied to leena.

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