Chapter 8

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{Emily's P.O.V.}
After Asher left I didn't know what to do so I cried silent tears those tears that just roll down you cheeks and you don't even care enough to wipe them away yeah that's how I cried after the bell rung I went to my second period which was Spanish then my third which was math finally I came to my favorite class of the day unfortunately I have that class with Asher and Alex its AP English today's writing prompt was to write about a time someone hurt you "Can we write this in a poem?" I asked my teacher "Yes good idea Emily," she said with enthusiasm we had twenty minutes I finished in five when my teacher asked if anybody wanted to read Asher and I were the only ones who rose our hands "Emily you may go first Asher you're after her," I stood up in front of the class to read my poem titled Forget Him this is how it went
"Forget his name forget his face forget his kiss his warm embrace forget the love you once knew remember he has someone new forget him when they played your song remember when you cried all night long forget how close you once were remember he has chosen her forget how you memorized his walk forget the way he used to talk forget the things he used to say remember he has gone away forget his laugh forget his grin forget the dimple on his chin forget the way he held you right remember he's with her tonight forget the time that went so fast forget the love that's in the past forget when he said he'd leave you never remember he's gone forever." The entire class clapped and I smiled at everyone except Asher it was turn to go up I took my seat and waited "I once knew a boy who fell in love with a girl who smiled at the thought of her name I once knew a girl who fell in love with a boy who felt the very same but it became a struggle and the timing was wrong so love decided they didn't belong," almost everyone clapped accept for me "Mrs can I go again I have another poem," she nodded and again I stood in front of the class "There are 3 kinds of heartbreak the first is when someone is reckless with your heart and shatters it and breaks it in ways you never thought possible the second is when you break someone's heart because you'll never know the pain like the type that has you look into their eyes but they look away and the third and worst type of heartbreak is the kind that comes along when you have to watch the person you love, love someone else," Asher spoke up "What if you accidentally break someone's heart?" I looked at him "Take the paper on your desk and crumple it," he crumpled it "Now what?" I sighed "I want you to uncrumple it and say sorry," he uncrumpled the piece of paper "I'm sorry," I smiled "Did it go back to the way it was?" I asked him "No." He said "Exactly, " I sat down and then Asher asked me a question "How's your mom?" I cried he knew my parents were divorced mom left had a kid then died in a car accident involving a drunk driver "Ash-," he cut me off "I bet you when she was still alive you wanted to run away and go tell the child what would happen to them," he was right I'd always wanted to go see my brother or sister and tell them that soon mom would get tired of them too Asher leaned so only I could here and called me something I haven't been called since I came here "Aren't I right salvation Emily?" When he said that I slapped him everything came flooding back I slapped him as hard as I had wanted to slap Amber "Don't ever talk about my family again better yet don't talk to me ever again!" I yelled at him and stormed out the classroom I ran to the bathroom and pulled out my iPod I started to listen to 'You Can't Blame A Girl For Trying' by Sabrina Carpenter she was right why does the guy thing have to be so complicated?

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