Chara's Awakening

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I woke up in a wierd place... it was like were i've died but... difrent? de place seams more... old... and i don't remember of here having a BED of golden flowers... i loked to my hands... i could see them but not very much? ok... the time i've had been here deleted most of my spoilers of the game as i alredy see it before but i can still remember something, welp as i can remember i'm dead and maybe i should see the 9 human?... i forgot his name... i don't even know if its a boy or girl? anyways i heard something coming from up there... maybe as i'm a ghost i can fly and get up there... i tried but NOP i can't fly THAT much.

when i looked up there i see someone falling here, i got of the way and when i see... the 9 human was there, in my front, the flowers seamed to save him from some broken bones, logic is very funny huh?

(this is the frisk of the book, she/he will be a girl in this book however you can think of her/him as a boy but beware becouse it MIGHT have ships, i don't really know yet but she will be girl here) 

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(this is the frisk of the book, she/he will be a girl in this book however you can think of her/him as a boy but beware becouse it MIGHT have ships, i don't really know yet but she will be girl here) 

is it a girl or a boy? i can't know for sure till she or he- BAH IT WHILL BE THE KID, till the kid says to me so "hey, are you ok there litle one?" i asked to the child "huh?" the kid got up and looked at me whit a confused face (the face was a litle dirty) "..." she was quiet while looking at me

(yep there will be a lot of photos here as i'm on the cumputer, yay!)

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(yep there will be a lot of photos here as i'm on the cumputer, yay!)

"will you answer me or just stay there in the dirt till you decay punk?" i asked the child again very paicient "um.. yeah..." the child said, i smiled "so ya better get up jerk" the child got up and got of all the dirt on its clothes, "there's still some on ya face" i said while getting the dirt off somehow "so, wha is yah gender? if you don't whanna tell me it's fine, i won't force you" i said while the kid thinked "i'm a girl" the kid said "ok then, what's your name?" she seamed confused "Frisk" she told me "ok! now move ahead" "but i have no weapon to ptotect myself..." "oh, you're right, lemme see" i looked around at found a stick, i picked up the stick... or tried "pick thsi stick here, i can't pick it up" "strange, and really? a stick? how this is suposed to protect me?" "is better than nothing, you can pierce someone's eyes whit this litle dude" "WHAT? I DON'T WANNA HURT ANYONE" "...just pick it up idiot you can do many things whit this" now that i started to think... monsters might had changed, i dunno how much time i've bem unconscius "ok then... but no piercing!" "ok just pick it up, we don't have much time, we've been alredy too long  here *i said while looking around, frisk picked up the stick "here, i'll lead you the way i said while moving, frisk followed me we passed trought the portal and while frisk got close to a brighting spot a flower poped up and she got scared "what's wrong?" i said while turning to her, i looked at the flower and a memory camed in, this was Asriel! i got close to her whit a smile "Howdy!" the flower said "I'm FLOWEY the FLOWER" wait... this is difrent, my smile droped down as i saw that something whas wrong whit him, his form wasn't that much a thing, maybe Alphys couldn't take him to his original form, but his voice, this speak, he's not Flowey, something is reaallyy wrong 

 this is difrent, my smile droped down as i saw that something whas wrong whit him, his form wasn't that much a thing, maybe Alphys couldn't take him to his original form, but his voice, this speak, he's not Flowey, something is reaallyy wrong 

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"hmmmmm... you're new to the UNDERGROUND aren'tcha? Golly, you must be so confused. Someone ought to teach you how things work around here! I guess little old me will have to do. Ready? Here we go!"

*the player enters in a "Fight" whit flowey*

"See that heart? That is your SOUL, the very culmination of your being! Your SOUL starts off weak, but can grow strong if you gain a lot of LV. What's LV stand for? Why, LOVE, of course! You want some LOVE, don't you? Don't worry, I'll share some with you!" flowey said while summoning some white flower petals

"erhm actually i don't think you can share it..." but flowey continueded

"Down here, LOVE is shared through... little white... "friendliness pellets." Are you ready? Move around! Get as many as you can" the white petals started to come for frisk she started to ran t them when a memory camed on my head and i pushed her away from the petals... but ONE petal touched her draining her health to 19 i stared at flowey confused while he looked at frisk whit a creepy look he started to talk whit a strange voice

"YOU IDIOT! IN THIS WORLD IS KILL OR BE KILLED. WHY WOULD ANYONE PASS UP SUCH AN OPPORTUNITY LIKE THIS!?" he said while summoning duzens of petals around the scene, this was definitively this wan't the Asriel that i know, what the hell this Alphys did?! frisk was very scared trying to hug me even though she can't

"D I E" flowey said and the petals started to get close to her, i dragged her to the middle and tried to protect her from some petals that camed, but they passed trough me and attacked Frisk... but when they were centimeters to touch Frisk the petals disapeared

"huh?" Flowey asked becoming 'normal' again whit a confused face, a fireball summoned on one of flowey's sides and flowey said "wha the-" but the fireball trows him away and Toriel appeared trough the shadows whit a pleased face

"oh my god! how such a monster would do that to this poor thing? Torturing this litle being! fear not my child, i'm TORIEL the caretaker of the ruins, i come here everyday to check if someone new fallen down here. You are the first human to come here in a long time. Come! I will guide you through the catacombs" she said while turning and starting to walk "do i trust her?" frisk askes for me while getting up" "yes, she was my adoptive mom before, i know her well, she will take care of you, here, put this" i said while picking a bandage that i always had on my pocket and putting on her face

 Come! I will guide you through the catacombs" she said while turning and starting to walk "do i trust her?" frisk askes for me while getting up" "yes, she was my adoptive mom before, i know her well, she will take care of you, here, put this" i s...

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*1hp cured

whe started to follow Toriel into the ruins.


GG THIS IS THE LONGEST CHAPTER I'VE EVER DID IN MY LIFE! 1256 WORDS! sure that i was very inspired here for this old chapter and yes i've edited changed and very much thing here so maybe the spoiler of the other chapter din't count? yeah, so thanks for reading this chapter and this book, comment what do you think about it and see ya in the next chapter!

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