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— ❄PAIRINGS: Evan Buckley x Reader

— ❄FEATURING: Evan Buckley, Y/n.

— ❄SYNOPSIS: Y/n and Buck look at Christmas lights and buck confesses his feelings to y/n/

— ❄WARNINGS: fluff, errors I missed, Christmas lights, love confessions.

— ❄w/c: 384

— ❄AUTHORS NOTE: please note Xmas requesting is closed. But you can request non-Xmas things for 9-1-1.

— ❄DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT give consent/permission for my work to be copied and pasted on other platforms. HOWEVER, I highly encourage feedback, likes, reblogs, and comments.

Buck quickly glanced your way, admiring how the Christmas lights illuminated your facial features. It made you look like an angel. though to him you already were an angel.

Buck quickly looked back at the road. Sneaking glances at you every once in a while. While you admired the Christmas lights on the houses as Buck drove by them.

He drove slowly onto your street. Wanting to savor the moment, before telling you he had feelings for you. he wasn't sure if you felt the same way.

Buck drove his jeep into your driveway. Putting the car in park, he put the handbrake up.

Buck turned to look at you, only to find you already staring at him. Smiling at him. he felt his heart rate speed up. He smiled at you.

"Before you go, I have to tell you something," He spoke. Making you look at him with a concerned look on your face.

"What is it buck?" You asked. Concern lacing your voice.

He fought the urge to grab your face. Instead, he fiddled with his fingers which you took notice of. You grabbed a hold of his hands. Which only sped up his heart.

Looking at him encouragingly.

Buck took a deep breath before speaking, well mostly stumbling over his words.

"I have feelings for you," He blurted out.

"I like you more than a friend," He spoke again. Making your heart rate speed up at his confession.

"I couldn't keep the feelings I feel for you to myself any longer, if you don't feel the same way I understand, although it will hurt, I will under-" Buck blurted out. though he was cut off by your lips pressing against his passionately. Cutting his words off.

Eyes fluttering closed. As your hand let go of his to cup the side of his face.

You pulled away from him. Resting your forehead against his. Buck pouted. Opening his eyes to find you looking at him in awe.

"I love you too," You confessed. Buck smiled at you. Cupping the side of your face.

He pressed his lips against yours passionately. Making you gasp as your eyes fluttered closed. Buck's eyes fluttered closed as well as he deepened the kiss.

Happiness surged inside of him, as he finally got to call you, his...


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