Friends Or Something More

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❄PAIRINGS: Evan Buckley x F!Reader

FEATURING: Evan Buckley, Y/n, Y/n's elderly neighbour.

❄SYNOPSIS: Y/n's elderly neighbour suspects that Buck and you may be more than just friends.

❄WARNINGS: errors I missed, just some wholesome fluff, shenanigans, elderly neighbour trying to play matchmaker, slow burn.

❄w/c: 800

❄AUTHORS NOTE: please note Xmas requesting is closed. But you can request non-Xmas things for 9-1-1.

❄DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT give consent/permission for my work to be copied and pasted on other platforms. HOWEVER, I highly encourage feedback, likes, reblogs, and comments.

Buck quickly checked himself out in the rearview before getting out of his car. Seeing if he looked good. Once he was satisfied, he quickly undid his seat belt. Taking the keys out of the ignition. Grabbing the food container on the passenger seat. He reached down and grabbed his overnight bag.

He checked to see if the lights were off. After checking they were, he got out of his car. Shutting the door and locking it.

Rushing over to his best friend's apartment complex front entrance. Punching in the code for the door. The door unlocked. He grabbed the door handle. Balancing the food container against his arm and side, he opened the door. He walked inside. Using his body to close the door.

He ascended the stairs quickly. Anyone would think he was rushing to his apartment so he could use the toilet.

Buck felt his heart racing as he finally got to the floor of your apartment. He didn't know why his heart was racing. Maybe it was the way you made him feel. He knew he had feelings for you, feelings that a best friend shouldn't have. He didn't say anything because he feared rejection, and he didn't want to lose you as his best friend. You understood him, you were there for him if he lost you he would be lonely.

Buck finally reached your apartment. Putting his overnight bag down so he could knock on your door.

The door swung open revealing your neighbour inside.

"Oh it's buck," She beamed. Grabbing the side of his cheeks. Slightly shocking him.

She looked behind her to see what you were doing. Then looked back up. She lowered her voice so only he could hear.

"You should ask her out," She spoke. Buck let out a scoff.

"I don't have feelings for her she is my friend," Buck denied. Only making her scoff at this boy's stubbornness. Though you were stubborn too. She may be old but she could tell Buck and you had feelings for each other. Feelings that weren't platonic.

"If you keep telling yourself those lies you will never get her," She spoke.

Both of them heard the sound of footsteps approaching.

"Buck," You beamed, as you came into view. Buck beamed at you. Making your neighbour smirk.

Buck and you quickly hugged each other. To your neighbour, she thought it was a little bit longer than what a friend should. Almost like Buck and you didn't want to separate when Buck and you did. She decided to leave. Hopefully, her words to Buck would encourage him to shoot his shot.

"I will leave you and Buck to it, Happy holidays," she spoke, as she hugged both of you. Before she left she whispered in both your ears to make a move.

When she left Buck grabbed his overnight bag and walked inside.

"This is for you, it's dessert, I made it, well I didn't make it Maddie made it, I helped though," He rambled. Making you giggle.

He placed the food container in the fridge. Turning to face you. You were leaning against the counter. Staring at him with amusement in your eyes, and something else.

"Do you need any help?" Buck asked. You shook your head.

"Everything is done, just have to wait for the chicken to cook, so, all we have to do is relax, want to watch a movie?" You spoke.

"You always outdo yourself, one day I'm going to help you out," He spoke. Walking closer to you.

"Keep dreaming," You teased. Buck tickled your sides making you let out a gasp and then giggles. Begging him to stop. When he did you realized how close he was to you. Both of you stared at each other. The only sound that could be heard in the room was his breathing as well as yours. Hearts pounding.

Taking your bottom lip in between your teeth. Your neighbour's words swirl around in your mind. Telling you to go for it, that you will regret it, but you were scared he wouldn't feel the same way.

"Let's watch the movie," You spoke. Breaking the silence and pulling away from him. Buck nodded his head. Making you smile. You took a hold of his hand. Butterflies swarming in your stomach as well as his, you quickly lead him into the living room.

"You pick, I'm going to get us something to drink and eat," You spoke. Handing him the remote, you then walked to the kitchen.

Lucky for you, you couldn't see the living room from there. You pressed your back to the wall, letting out a shaky breath. Evening your breathing. Until it was steady enough for you to go back to him.

Unbeknownst to you, Buck was doing the same thing...


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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