Uh. What are you doing?

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TW: CURSING!!!!!!!, mediocre storytelling, shitty grammar (comment on that pls)


"Who's the kid?"

Now noticing the rubber boy had awoken, "Finally awake huh? Bastard." Kaidou sighed.

"As for the kid-" Kaidou jutted a finger towards the fairly small child. "-he's one of the hag's kids. They always come around here when the chick disappears on an assignment from the captain."

"Did you just call mama a hag?" The little kid chimed in.

"-Like I was saying, so far there's at least twenty of this little shit's siblings running around here and the majority of them go around bothering others.

"Cool." Luffy said dumbly.

"Why would it be cool? All the squirt's siblings are annoying."

"Can you please stop insulting my family?" The little kid spoke up but was sadly ignored by the two older boys.

"Shishishi-" Luffy laughed. "Really? I totally wanna meet 'em now!" The rubber boy said excitedly.

"Trust me when I say you truly don't want to." Kaidou said.

After a brief silence, the strawhat captain's stomach rumbled. The rubber boy then stood up and cracked his neck. "Hey, do you know what they're making for breakfast?"

"Breakfast? Don't you remember?" Kaidou raised a brow.

"Eh? What do you mean?" Luffy asked dumbly.

"You're hopeless... Don't tell me you forgot that last night you ate all the food on ship?"

Luffy thought for a few seconds, which resulted in his head steaming from overusing his brain. "Oh yeah! And you drank all the booze, right?" The rubber idiot then froze. "Wait a minute. What about breakfast?"

"We won't be having any."

"What!" Luffy shrieked, but this seemed to go unnoticed by Kaidou as the young man started to talk once again.

" 'Cause of last night, we now have to stop at a nearby island to restock. What did you think would happen after you ate everything edible on ship?"

"Well... Sanji normally stops me after my fifth piece of meat." Luffy scratched his cheek.

"Oh, my Oda..." Kaidou said exasperatedly as he face palmed.

"So, like, what are we supposed to do now?"

"How about we fight again?"

"Nope." Luffy said absentmindedly. "Hey kid." Luffy turned his head to look at the "hag's kid."

"You got anything fun around here to do?" The rubber boy asked.

The kid looked around for a second and then pointed at himself in a confused manner.


"Yuh huh." Luffy nodded. "Who else?"

"Well," The child paused for a moment. "Nothing really comes to mind."

"Really? Man." The rubber boy paused to think apparently to hard with the steam rolling off his head in waves.

Kaidou wondered his head would explode.

"Oh!" Luffy snapped with his hand, then proceeded to oddly, or at least to the other two people in the room, laugh. "Shishishi... Maybe we could sneak some food-"

"I JUST SAID YOU ATE IT ALL, DUMBASS!" Kaidou comically smacked him upside the head. Meanwhile the small child sweat dropped.

"We just went over this too." Kaidou sighed once more, rubbing his temples. Being near this idiot made his head hurt.

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