Chapter 30

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No one's POV

Harry slowly walked over to Quirrel before he stood before him as Quirrel looked at him.

Quirrel was frantic as he tried to attack him but Harry merely grabbed him and threw him to the ground making sure it was his front that landed on the ground.

The knives that were stabbed into him were forced deeper into his body.

A grin spread across Harry's face, he had thrown his knives were in no place fatal but that being said...they were still deep and painful.

Quirrel gasped as he slowly tried to crawl away.

Once he did he noticed a pair of feet standing before him as he slowly looked up.

Buda was looking down at him holding a weapon in his hand.


Next to Buda came Adam and Qin Shi Huang who smiled down at him.

"My my, he sure did a number on you." Buda said as he pulled back his leg before he kicked Quirrel in the face sending him falling onto his back.

Even Harry was confused as he walked over to them though he made sure he stepped on Quirrel as he did this.

"What are you all doing here?" He asked and Adam smiled.

"We came to help you, of course." Adam said and Harry raised an eyebrow.

"But...why?" Harry asked and Qin Shi Huang chuckled.

"It seems Jack has not explained it to you but...we all share a connection my friend." Qin Shi Huang said as he put a hand on Harry's shoulder.

"...Daphne...take my sister to the medical wing." Harry said as Daphne walked out of the shadows and nodded before she helped Jessie away from there.

"Explain." Harry said and Adam smiled at him.

"Like you and Jack, we are reincarnations as well, all of us are reincarnations of those who have fought in the tournament of Ragnarok for humanity." Adam said and Harry's eye widened.

"But hey, we can talk more about that later because right now we got a scared fish to fry." Buda said as he pointed a finger to Quirrel who was slowly sitting up.

Harry looked at Quirrel and smiled insanely as he nodded.

"Too true." Harry reached into his pouches once more before he pulled out Casull and Jackal.

"Want some assistance?" Qin Shi Huang asked and Harry laughed.

"As long as we make him suffer!" Harry exclaimed.

"I want to see the beauty of his soul as he slowly dies."

Harry took off his monocle as his soul eye blazed to life.

"Meet my six realms staff." Buda said as he walked to Quirrel grabbing him before he threw him up slightly before he hit Quirrel into the air with his staff.

"Our turn." Adam and Qin Shi Huang said as they both jumped into the air together.

Both flipped in the air as they gave an axe kick right into Quirrel's stomach as he coughed up blood as he was sent hurling towards the ground hard.

Harry walked closer to Quirrel as he hummed his tune before he pointed Casull and Jackal at Quirrel.

"Be a dear and remove your turbin." Harry said as he chuckled.

Quirrel nodded as he removed the turbin from his head and when he did he only confirmed Harry's theory.

A grotesque face was formed in the back of Quirrel's head.

"How lovely to meet you...Voldemort." Harry said calmly though upon seeing him all Harry could feel was disgust and anger.

" appears we meet again...young Harry Potter." Voldemort said and Harry narrowed his eyes.

"You ruined my life...and now that I look at is so fitting that I get to do this to you but my revenge is not complete..." Harry said as he shot Quirrel in the liver.

"Did you know that the liver holds a large amount of blood? You will die of bloodlose but hehehe you're colour will be magnificent." Harry said as his grin got more twisted.

"You're soul Voldemort, I see it hehe and I find it quite hilarious...hehehe hahahaha!!!"

"You're dark twisted soul is filled with fear!!"

"Do not make accusation you cannot back up boy!" Voldemort snarled but Harry's laughed echoed throughout the chamber.

"Oh to think! The dark lord! Hahaha! Fearful of children!" Harry laughed as he lowered the guns as he held his stomach.


A bullet flew right at Voldemort face just barely missing.

Harry's eyes glowed red as his glare was deadly.

"Enough games, time to perish." Harry said as he shot Quirrel in the head multiple times.

Quirrel's body slumped down onto the ground as blood pulled out where Quirrel laid dead as before some sort of dark misty cloud of energy flew out of the body and away as Harry closed his eyes.

This to Harry was not a moment of satisfaction which disappointed him before he slowly opened his eyes.

'This only means that I will meet him again...and the brief moment of joy that comes with killing him will come back to me again.' Harry thought with a smile.

Harry turned to the three who looked at him with a smile as well.

"Come on, let's get out of here, I'm beat." Buda said as he yawned a bit and Harry nodded feeling tired as well.

"I am glad to have met fellow fighters." Adam said as they walked out of the room together.

"Yes, it is quite nice but we can talk more about that tomorrow." Harry said before remembering his sister and the situation she was in.

"You all go without me, I must go check on my sister." Harry said.

"And those other guys, right?" Buda asked getting a look from Harry.

"No." Harry said before leaving them alone as he went straight to the hospital wing.

The others stood there for a moment before Adam took out the philosopher's Stone.

"So what should I do with this?" He asked as the three looked at him.

"Destroy it." Buda said and Adam nodded as he crushed it in his hand.

Once he got there he saw Daphne waiting along the side of the bed while his sister slept.

"Madam Promfrey is going to check on her in the morning." Daphne said and Harry nodded before grabbing a chair and sitting down.

"Then it appears I am not going anywhere until morning." Harry said.


That's it for this chapter

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