Chapter 42

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No one's POV

Harry walked to Daphne's room as he was about to knock on the door before he stopped himself.

He didn't hear anything coming from the room.

Their was no heartbeat, breathing or even the feintest sign of life.

'I haven't taught her that much yet so it is clear that she is not in her room.' Harry thought before he heard an all too familiar scream.

Harry turned his head as he raised an eyebrow before he walked in the direction of the scream.

Getting to the living room, Harry looked upon he seen as a smile slowly began to break out on his face.

Daphne was standing over a cowering Malfoy who was holding his hand that held a cut on it.

"Y-You psychopath!" Malfoy screamed while Crabbe and Goyle shook at the sight of the girl.

Daphne looked down at Malfoy as a smile slowly spread to her face, she held a bloodied knife in her hand while the other was raising up to cover her mouth to prevent her from laughing.

"You scream like a frightened little girl Malfoy, but I don't think there is a more fitting scream for you." Daphne said as she lowered her hand revealing the insane smile on her face.

Harry had never felt proud of any other person...well his sister being the exception to that in his life but in this moment he felt proud to see his once squeamish student now smile with some similar insanity to him.

"Now now, to call a women a psychopath is not something a gentleman would do, has your father or mother not taught you manners?" Harry said as he spoke for the first time since entering the room.

"Then again, I doubt they even want to speak to you considering how you act normally."

Harry walked into the room with his hands behind his back as he hummed merrily.

"Daphne, Daphne, Daphne, have I not said to never stain a blade or knife with something so putrid?" Harry asked with a small chuckle.

He had activated his soul eye and looked down at Malfoy taking great delight in the fear that was spreading rapidly throughout Malfoy.

"Look how fearful you have made the poor fool." Harry said.

"I-I'm not afraid, Potter." Malfoy sneered though his body was shaking.

"Of course." Harry said rolling his eyes before turning to face Daphne.

"I believe it's time to get to bed."

Daphne nodded as the two walked together towards the dorms.

"Oh and Malfoy, you might want to get that checked out." Daphne said with a small smirk.

The two walked in silence until they stood outside of Daphne's dorm as Harry turned to her.

"Well Daphne, I bid you goodnight." Harry said with a small smile.

"I could not possibly have retired to bed without saying that to you."

Harry paused for a moment as he heard the sound of Daphne's heartbeat elevate a bit.

"Goodnight, Harry." Daphne said before going into her room.

"Strange...why would her heartbeat elevate...oh well, that is something to figure out another time." Harry said as he went back to his own room.

He sat down on the bed before hearing a soft squeaking noise.

He looked down as he looked at Buster who was looking at Harry who smiled.

"Such a good bunny and don't worry, your time to shine will soon." Harry said as he picked up Buster setting him down on the bed next to him.

"You want to join your owner and cause carnage don't you?"

Buster moved closer to Harry snuggling against him as he chuckled.

"Rest assured you shall join me but for now let's get some rest for the coming school day."

Without much word, Harry got into his pajamas as he and Buster got under the blankets before going to sleep.

The next day

Harry woke up with as he sat up and stretched his body a bit.

"Good morning, Buster." Harry said as he looked at Buster who was stretching a little.

Harry climbed out of bed as he grabbed his toiletries as well as uniform and left to prepare for the day.

Once done he walked back to his room and put his toiletries back before putting food in Busters bowl and water in the other.

"Behave yourself and cause no trouble but I know you will behave." Harry said as he grabbed his pouches before leaving the room where he met Qin Shi Huang and Tobi.

"Good morning." Tobi said smiling under his mask.

"Yes good morning." Qin Shi Huang said smiling.

"And the same to you both but what are you doing up so early?" Harry asked curious as the three started walking to the common room.

"Buda told us that you had something you wanted to discuss with us and we are curious to hear what you have to say to us." Tobi said and Harry nodded.

"That is true but I must also discuss things with Nikola so be patient, all things occur in time." Harry said simply as Tobi nodded.

"Very well." Tobi said.

The two sat down as Harry thought for a moment before he grinned.

"I can't wait for our first lesson with Lockhart." Harry said as Tobi looked at him raising an eyebrow.

"I was under the impression that you hated Lockhart." Tobi said and Harry nodded.

"Any good carnivorous animal worth their salt examines the prey before determining the best method to kill." Harry said and Tobi let out a small chuckle as he shook his head.

"You certainly enjoy the kill." Tobi said.

"Yes he does." Daphne said standing behind the couch that the two were sitting on.

"Ah, good morning Daphne." Harry said as he glanced at her.

"Good morning." Tobi greeted as Daphne smiled a bit.

"Good morning to the both of you." She said before joining them.

The three talked for a bit before going to breakfast.


That's it for this chapter

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