Chapter 17

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No one's POV

Outside in the real world Jessie had seen her collapsed brother outside the Great Hall and panicked before she quickly tried to pick him up.

She strained as she tried to carry him to the medical wing when she had a hand placed on her shoulder.

Turning her head she saw Qin Shi Huang looking at her before he took Harry from her.

"I will carry him, now let us be quick." He said as they both rushed to the Medical wing together.

After taking him to the Medical wing Madam Pomfrey quickly instructed him to be put on a bed.

Harry's expression turned to a serious one before showing signs of strain.

"He is having an internal battle." Qin Shi Huang said as he looked at Harry as he crossed his arms.

"What do you mean?" Jessie asked and Qin Shi Huang looked at her.

"I cannot explain as I do not know what he is fighting so we must wait and see the outcome." He said.

Jessie frowned as both she and Qin Shi Huang looked at Harry.

In the Mindscape

Harry was panting heavily as he held his side.

He had bullet wounds in his arms as he barely managed to hold onto the scissors as well as being impaled through his stomach.

The man merely smiled as he looked at Harry.

He had a deep cut in his side but the wound regenerated as he walked over to Harry.

Harry raised his scissors but they were knocked out of his hands as the man put away his weapons and grabbed Harry by the neck lifting him up.

Harry choked as he tried to claw the hands off but they were too strong for him.

"This battle is over and it seems this body is mine." He said before Harry's body went limp.

The man dropped the body as he looked down at the boy with a small frown.

"I was expecting more of you." He said as he took out one gun as he aimed it at Harry's head.

The man however was caught off guard by Harry who had quickly bolted up and reached into the pouches quickly stabbing the man through the chest straight for his heart.

"Get out of my mind, this body is mine and no one else's." Harry said as he glared at the man.

The man was surprised for a moment before he smiled at Harry and took off his glasses revealing his red eyes.

"You have surprised me." He said as his smile got bigger.

"You will make an excellent host, you have passed." He said as he took Harry's hands and pulled them out of his chest as it closed.

"Tricking me into thinking you were incapacitated only to strike me when my guard was down, impressive." He said as he bent down to Harry's height.

"This was only one test, there will be others and we will see if you are able to pass them as well, we surely will meet again boy." He said as his body began to revert back to the dark reddish mist he came from.

"Who are you?" Harry asked weakly as he fell to his knee panting heavily.

The man smiled as he continued to fade before he put the sunglasses back on.

"Alucard..." He said before he was completely gone.

Harry was about to fall when he was caught by Jack who looked down at him as a soft smile dawned his face.

"You have done well Harry, now wake up." He said.

Harry shot up in the hospital bed as he looked around quickly as his eye darted to every angle of the room before they landed on Qin Shi Huang and Jessie.

"Harry? Are you alright?" Jessie asked and Harry was silent for a moment before he nodded.

Harry shifted his body before he stood up and rubbed his eyes.

He looked down before he noticed that his pouches were back in there original places as he sighed before getting up.

He still felt a bit weak before he shook his head.

"Qin Shi Huang, see to it that my sister is well, I have other matters that need to be taken care of." Harry said as he started walking.

Harry swayed for a moment before he regained his footing and kept walking.

"Harry are you sure you are okay?" She asked and Harry nodded as he kept walking.

He returned to the common room and sat down waiting.

Soon Daphne walked into the common room as well as Harry saw her and stood up.

"Come." He said as he started walking.

Daphne followed him quietly.

They both arrived outside near the lake as Harry turned to her as he took out a knife.

"This will be your first practical lesson." Harry said as he held out the knife to her.

Daphne took the knife and was confused before Harry walked away for a moment and came back with a small bunny.

"Kill this." Harry said as he looked at Daphne whose eyes widened.

"Y-Your joking right?" She asked and Harry shook his head.

"If you wish to learn how to kill, you must be used to watching the life die from the eyes of your targets." Harry said before he rubbed the bunny's back gently.

"It is important to have the first kill out of the way." He said and slowly Daphne walked to the bunny that was in Harry's hands raising the knife slowly.

She held it over the bunny and was about to bring it down before she froze as she began to breath quickly.

She lowered the knife and looked away.

"I can't..." She said and Harry's eye narrowed before he sighed.

"We will come back to this." Harry said as he let the bunny go.

"We will move onto something else then..." Harry said.

Daphne turned back to him and nodded before a knife flew past her cutting her cheek slightly.

"You will learn to kill or I will kill you." He said and she nodded before Harry reached over to her and placed a plaster on her cheek where the cut was.

"Never forget this moment, if you wish to be a killer then you must steel your heart against other feelings such as compassion, mercy and kindness." Harry said.

Daphne looked down for a moment before she nodded.


That's it for this chapter

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