Chapter 49

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No one's POV

Snape sat in quiet contemplation of all the things that Lily had told him as he simply stared off into space.

He supposed that nothing bad was told to him, in fact a lot of what Lily told him had made him happier than he had been in years...but...

'Harry is your son...'

Lily's words kept replaying in his head as he stared at the door of his classroom.

Snape shook his head before he rose up and prepared himself from the day.

Though while he was still by himself, he felt a small smile make its way onto his face as he remembered that night she had told him.

He had some plans now that needed to be made and they would need to be done soon but he wouldn't deny how happy he was.

The thoughts he had were cut off by the sound of footsteps as he walked towards the door to allow the students outside to enter the classroom.

There was also at some point he would need to tell Harry about this as well but he deemed that the best time would be in the holidays where both he and Lily could do it.


Harry sat in his Charms class as he was reading over a few pages in his textbook.

Or at least he was attempting to.

His mind constantly drifted back to the evidence that he was presented with when that cat belonging to Filch was paralyzed, it had not helped that several more victims had been taken to the hospital wing.

'I did not want to tell Daphne the truth...but who would believe that rooster blood would be used for writing on the walls...' Harry thought.

'There's also the question as to why Rooster blood would need to be used at all as well as where it came from but that was answered when it was revealed that Roosters near Hagrid hut had been killed.'

He wished that he could converse with Alucard but he had sent him to the Hellsing manor to check in on Bellatrix as well as give her a mission as well as to search for possible new members and since Jack was no longer with him for the first time...his mind was empty and the only voice there was his own.

"Harry..." A quiet voice said but Harry was to lost in his thoughts to hear it.


Harry this time managed to come out of his thoughts as he turned to Daphne who was glancing at him.

"Are you okay?" She asked quietly as Harry nodded.

"Of course, I was merely lost in my thoughts." He replied quietly before turning back to focus on Flitwicks lesson.

Daphne looked at him for a moment before she returned focus to the lesson as well.

The two walked out of class together once it had ended while Tobi and Qin Shi Huang had gone ahead of them.

"I must apologize to you, Daphne." Harry said as Daphne looked at him confused.

"For what?" Daphne asked.

"I will tell you in private but for now, perhaps we should get to Herbology lest we want to be late." Harry said as Daphne who was still confused just nodded.

"Uhm...Harry?" Daphne said as Harry turned to her.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Buster is on your head again." Daphne said as Harry simply shrugged.

"He does that from time to time, I don't wish to stop him so I let it be." Harry said as he had grown used to his pet doing this as he took the bunny off his head holding him in his arms.

"The question is how does he do that, I've never heard of magically inclined bunnys." Daphne said and Harry chuckled.

"Something else that I will eventually reveal to you." Harry said.

'Just how many secrets does he have?' Daphne thought shaking her head.

As they walked together they heard some students talking to each other.

Harry had grown accustomed to tuning them out as he deemed gossip to be unbecoming...until he heard something that caught his interest.

"You think this has something to do with the chamber of secrets?" A student said with a hushed tone.

"What? That's just a legend though, it doesn't have anything to do with now." The other said as they walked past.

"But it was opened before though..." The first student said.

"Shh, that's just another rumour." The other said.

Harry decided to pocket that little bit of information for later.

Daphne looked at Harry curious but he simply smiled and the two went to his potions class.

Harry had taken the seat next to Tobi while Daphne was next to Tracy.

Throughout the lesson, Harry noticed something in Snapes personality, he seemed...different if only slightly.

He remained the same on the outside but Harry noticed a little bit of a difference in his attitude as if he was happy about something.

Once again, another thing Harry would keep to himself and didn't want to use his Soul eye on him.


"Remind me, why we are here?" Harry asked as he was gathered with his friends along with those from other houses along with his own.

They were in the great hall which had its tables moved to the side save for the two in the middle which were put together with a long cloth covering them.

"Can everyone hear me?" Lockhart said standing in the centre of the tables addressing the students looking like some kind of fool in a gaudy suit and yet some girls still swooned over this fool.

"Can everyone see me?"

Once he was sure he turned around to look all the students.

"Geez, wish my glasses would help even a little bit on this guy." Buda said as he squinted his eyes a bit.

"You think you're upset, my blindfold seems to once again fail me incredibly so." Qin Shi Huang said frowning.

"I should have stayed in my room." Nikola muttered before he shook his head.

"But then again, perhaps something interesting will happen."


That's it for this chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20 ⏰

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