Chapter 1

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I opened my eyes to see my ceiling, I heard mama calling for me, I try to get up but then nothing everything goes black, all I hear is ringing, how I wish I could go back to that day...

Oh hello there I didn't see you, are you hear for the story?

Oh, you are well it will be a doozy let's get started... it all started one normal-looking day, but then again don't all days start like that, normal

I felt like I slept like a rock I heard mama calling me from downstairs saying if I didn't get up now I'd not be ready in time. My mama invited my aunt and my little cousins to stay with us for the time being, my aunt and my uncle just got a divorce and she has been kicked out of the house as well as the children, poor things. My friends' mamas are also coming over with their siblings so my cousins have someone to play with while their mama gets settled. After I'm ready, I hear the bell on the door ring everyone must be here. I run downstairs, just to confirm my suspicions

"Hey," Addison said smiling and going over to hug me

"Hello," I said hugging her back. I let Addy go and look over to Maise to hug her, she silently hugs back. I send them upstairs with their little siblings. I then look at my aunt she had sunken cheeks and is thinner than the last time I saw her. Overall she looked...sad, I ran over and gave her a hug she look like she needed it.

"Hello, clover, oh how you have grown you must be a few inches taller than the last time I saw you," she said trying to hide the sadness I saw earlier, I decided to leave it alone (now I'll never know how she felt)

"Hello, Aunt Hellen, thank you for the compliment." I look from her to my cousins

"Hey, guys, let's go upstairs to play!" I take the baby from my aunt and walk with Sophia. I look back at my Aunt and winked, which made her smile, like a real smile that is just on the verge of laughing

~Time Skip~

Addy and I sneak downstairs to listen in on the four women in the living room

" It's getting worse, it will be at our doorstep in no time should we run?" Maise's mama said in a worried tone

"No, if we do there's a chance of them finding them, it could destroy the world in wrong hands!" My mama said with a firm voice

"But, if we don't leave, we risk ourselves not to mention our children! Would you rather risk the lives of the kids, to save the rest of the world!" Addy's mama raised her voice in astonishment at the preposterous idea

"You know that is not a fair choice, I love my children dearly but, you also know that we made an oath, and whether we like it or not we have to protect them! " My mama protected her thinking. Everyone went quiet after that, My aunt finally spoke up

"Why don't we stay here when the inevitable comes here, we fight them, and send the children to the camp, after we make an escape and meet them at the camp. "

Everyone looked down thinking and nodded, agreeing that it sounded like the best option.

"Ok, It's settled, I'll see you all in the early morning tomorrow. " My mama started to leave the room. Addy and I ran upstairs as quietly as possible to tell Masie and put the littles to bed.

612 words

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