Pendulum Wars Part 1: Before Conflict

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The Pendulum Wars is probably the most significant period in all of Sera's history as of now.

79 years of bloody conflict.  And for what?  A fuel source that revolutionized the world 3 times over.

Imulsion is a yellow phosphorescent, low-viscosity fluid found most commonly in our underground known as the Hollow.  Before Imulsion was once nothing more than a scientific curiosity.

One day a Dr. Helen Cooper discovered the Lightmass Process, which made refinement for Imusion possible while making it incredibly cheap.

Of course, since a new and incredibly useful resource has come about, people want to horde all of it for themselves.

In this Gold Rush, two factions emerged in Sera's political climate.  The Coalition of Ordered Governments otherwise known as COG, is a collective of nations that had an abundance of Imulsion in their borders.

The rivals to the COG were the Union of Independent Republics or the UIR.  They were the less fortunate as they had little to no Imulsion to themselves.  So they went to get it.  Leading to war between the COG and UIR.  With both sides invading other neutral nations under the guise of "protection".

Dr. Wyatt Harper                                                                                                                  Tyran Historical Association

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