Chapter 1

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As Valentine's Day started to get closer, with each day seemingly getting fast, Sodapop started to get more nervous with each day passing by.

Now many may ask why Soda was getting nervous as that day started to get closer, well that answer is very simple; because Sodapop had a big stupid crush on his pal Johnny Cade that has been going on since the start of 8th grade, and Soda has finally decided that this was enough, he was done with the pinning that has been going on for enough, and that it needs to end now! He needs to know if Johnny feels the same! And in which he had created a plan to confess his love to the Cade boy with it being him secretly sneaking a note to Johnny's locker to meet him at the park a few minutes after school had ended, where he would give him flowers, and act out his confession. Which hopefully would end with the second part of the plan which was the date that Sodapop had planned.

And now it was time for Sodapop to execute his plan as the clock handle started to turn to 5.

When it was time for Sodapop to leave, his mom howled from the kitchen for him to get up, and get out. Sodapop took one last look into his bag, and his flannel pockets to check that he had everything, after making sure that everything was all in their correct spots, he quickly ran out of his room, saying a quick goodbye to his mom, pa, and his brothers before he left the house.

"Finally You're here!" Steve, Soda's best buddy, yelled out loudly, and dramatically as he pulled himself front, and back on the mental fence, "Oh shut up Steve!" Sodapop yelled back at him as he hurriedly ran down the porch steps, almost falling in the process making Steve laugh a bit, Steve let go of the fence, and grabbed the dirty blond's shoulder as he walked past him, "Soooo who you asking out?" Steve asked causing Sodapop to blush at the thought of asking out Johnny, Sodapop pushed Steve off of him, "No one" he said grabbing at his book bag straps, Steve chuckled lightly pushing Sodapop, before wrapping his arm around him again, "Oh no! I know that face! There's a girl!" Steve said the last part in a sing-song voice, "No there isn't!" Sodapop denied, "Yes there is!" Steve playfully stated again. As the two boys made their way to their school they playfully teased, and pushed each other, until they finally made it to the big metal corridors.

"See ya later!" Sodapop let out one last snicker, high-fiving his buddy before excitedly running down the hall to his first-period class which he shared with Johnny.

Entering the beige-colored room Soda fastly went to his seat which was in the far right of the classroom, and were, like always, he saw the Cade boy sitting on his seat with his head down on the desk. "Morning Johnny!" The Curtis boy ruffled the jet-black hair of the shorter boy, Johnny looked up "Morning" he sleepily said before trying to fix his ruffled hair, "hey don't do that man", "Nah" Sodapop teasingly messed up Johnny's hair again, before taking his seat.

The two boys shared a short chat before the lesson started. As Mrs. Nelson told everyone to take their seats and get their stuff out as she started her lesson, Sodapop tried to pay attention to the lesson, but he couldn't help but admire the boy right next to him, only snapping away from those thoughts at the smallest noises that echoed in the classroom like pencils hitting the wooden desks, bored students sighing, and Mrs. Nelson cleared her throat to get the attention of the distracted students like Sodapop.

Even when he tried to focus on the lesson like everybody else, he would always notice something new about Johnny's features, like how soft his hair looked today even though it's been heavily greased, or how there was a little spark of the rosy color on his cheek. As he heard Mrs.Nelson clear her throat again he turned his head back to the chalkboard, quickly writing down the words written in the white chalk.

Before he knew it the class was already done, he quickly packed his stuff up, making small talk with Johnny, before they parted ways and they walked to their second-period class. It seemed like time passed faster than usual, which mostly had to do with the fact of how Sodapop's heart was beating so fast that he felt like he could have a heart attack at any moment right about now.

In his 5th-period class, the Curtis boy raised his hand high in the air for Mr. Smith to call out to him, "Yes Soda?", "Can I use the restroom?" Sodapop hurriedly asked, Mr.Smith sighed "Yes, but hurry" given the answer Sodapop swiftly jumped out of his seat, and ran out of the room.

The restroom was on the right side of the hallway, but Sodapop didn't head that way, heading towards the other side of the hallway and making his way towards Johnny's locker, he quickly opened his flannel pocket took the note out, slipped it in the locker, before quickly running back to the classroom.

After hours of boredly listening to what was being taught while doodling on paper, and getting gifts from girls in his classes, school was finally over. Sodapop was getting giddy, telling Steve to hurry with his stuff so that they could leave already.

"Hey Guys!" Steve yelled out, the two boys ran towards Two-bit, and Johnny, who were both looking into the shorter boy's locker, said "Whatcha doing?" Sodapop nervously asked, noticing how Johnny was holding his note in between the valentine cards in his hands, "Nothing much we're just looking at what cakes got for valentines" Two-bit answered, "Yeah that's all, let go now" Johnny said, giving his locker one last check before putting the gifts in his bag, only putting Soda's note in his pocket which caused his cheeks to burn a bit.

Walking outside, they met with Dallas who was already out there waiting for them. They all told stories of what happened to them that day like how a Two-bit saw two socs get in a fight in the hallway, or teased each other (mostly Johnny) about how girls would give them gifts like how Johnny received a whole box of chocolates at lunch. With each boy saying their goodbyes as they get dropped off at their houses with each boy gone now, Sodapop started to run home so he could get done with his homework already, and then see Johnny.

When he made it to his house, he ran straight to his room, got started with his homework, quickly writing down the answers for each question. About to leave the house he grabbed the bouquet of sunflowers that was wrapped in different shades of yellow wrapping paper that was hidden in a box under his bed that he had bought the other day, rushing out of the front door, he said a quick goodbye to his older and younger brother as he passed them by.

After getting that out of the way, the Curtis boy ran out of the house with the bouquet in his hand as he ran towards the park, his mind rehearsing his confession.

When he finally made it to the park he realized that he came too early, even for Johnny probably, but still he took a seat on the bronze-colored bench, rehearsing his confession over, and over, and over again...

"Soda?" he snapped away from his thoughts as he heard the soft voice, "Johnny hey!" Sodapop stood up, his face burning red, realizing that he was still holding the flowers "Here!" He pushed the bouquet to Johnny, who quickly took it into his hands.

Johnny looked down at the flowers, and then back at Soda, up and down, up and down, before he started to speak again, "Why are you here?" he asked, "Oh yeah, well I put that note in your locker so I could ask you out cause I like you." Sodapop could feel his face burn more as he talked, the raven boy quirked up an eyebrow "Is this a joke?" Sodapop felt tense at those words "No no no! I wouldn't do that to you at all! I really love you Johnny, and I wouldn't even joke about that stuff man" the Curtis boy quickly explained, "You sure?" Johnny asked looking down at his shoes, "Are you sure you're into me?", "Yes yes! I like you, Johnny I'm in love with you!" he took Johnny's free hand in his, he continued "I care for you Johnny, a lot, I would never mess around with that type of stuff man... I really love you cakes, so please will you be mine?".

Sodapop gently ran his thumb over Johnny's hand waiting for the answer. Johnny took one deep breath, before letting it out, "Yes" he answered, this took Soda by surprise "Really?!?" He asked, "Yeah, I like you a lot Soda, and if you like me back then we could have something" Johnny could feel his face get crimson red, Sodapop smiled widely at the boy, feeling him squeeze his hand in his "Great if you're on Saturday we can go to a movie date" Johnny looked up at Soda, "yeah, I'm free on Saturday", "great," the dirty blond boy said, the two boys smiled at each other, sharing one last glance at each other's equally red faces before parting their ways.

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