Chapter 3

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It's Saturday. It's finally Saturday. SATURDAY IT'S TODAY!

The Cade and Curtis boys could feel excitement flow throughout their bodies when they woke up. Their heart's beating so fast that they could have a heart attack, not right now maybe later after their date.

But still, the two woke up full of joy. Sodapop jumped out of his bed when he did, and Johnny needed a minute to register what day it was when Two-bit decided to wake him up by loudly barging back into his room and very cheerfully yelling "GOOD MORNING!" to him across the room.

The Curtis boy got dressed quickly, wearing a gray t-shirt, his signature flannel, and navy blue jeans. He also wore an ear-to-ear smile, a smile so big on his face that it could hurt his rosy cheeks.

He waltzed out of the colorless bathroom and into the kitchen, feeling great, just great.... And smelling great too!

"What's up with you Soda?" Ponyboy asked, his mouth full of cereal "You seem very happy" he added, "Nothing much, I'm gonna hang with Steve today and then see a movie with Cakes!" Soda answered, grabbing a bowl out of the chestnut cabin and starting to make himself a bowl of cereal.

"That's nice" Pony muffled taking another bite, "Yeah. Where's Superman, ma, and pa?" Sodapop questioned, starting to eat his breakfast as he leaned over the kitchen counter, "Their out shopping for groceries, and Darry's out with his pals" the reddish-haired boy answered, he stood up from his seat putting his now empty bowl into the sink and marched quickly into his room.

"Where is ya going?" Sodapop peeked out of the kitchen and into the hallway seeing his younger brother grabbing his stormy blue bag and walking into the living room, "I and some of my school buddies are going to the library, we're gonna study there for a bit, and then just hang. Okay cya later Pepsi" Ponyboy explained as he tied his shoelaces, "bye" the blondie murmured as his brother left the house, leaving Soda all alone.

The blondie after a few seconds of his kid brother leaving waltzed into the living room, taking a seat on the soft cozy couch and watching cartoons while he continued to eat his cereal.

Now and then checking the clock for the time as he knew that Steve would burst through the door any minute now dragging him outside to do something fun.

By the time Sodapop finished his breakfast his ma and pa returned home and there was still no sign of his best buddy. Now he was sitting with his old man, watching the t.v while chatting about their shared interests, and they did that for a few minutes until the front door sprung up and there Steve stood for a few seconds smiling before Mrs. Curtis scold him for slamming the door open at which all Steve had to say was "Yes ma'am" while looking down in shame but when Mrs. Curtis went back to making a small meal for her and her husband Steve quickly looked up at Sodapop with a wide grin on his face.

"Heya man" Steve laughed, putting a hand out for his buddy "Hey Stevie-o" Sodapop chuckled, taking his hand and sitting up, "Alright I'm gonna head out right now, bye ma and pa!" He waved at his parents who returned it, the two boys exited the house with Steve running ahead of Sodapop and jumping over the metal fence with Sodapop following behind him almost tripping over his own feet when he finally made it to Steve.

"Where are we going, Stevie?" Sodapop asked as he kicked a rock as he walked, "Dingos" Steve answered as he hopped over the engraved lines of the street, "Good cause I'm still a kind of hungry man" Steve chuckled at Sodapop's statement.

They joyfully entered the restaurant taking a seat in a booth with garnet red puffy seats and with a carob round table. They looked over the menu, and they decided to order two milkshakes, fries, a cheeseburger, and a burger. Soon the waitress came over to their booth taking their orders, as she walked away from their booth and into the kitchen Sodapop could see how clearly Steve was checking her out.

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