Chapter 1 - Bite me

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!!18+ Content!!

-okay so I've been getting a lot of comments that people don't like the whole period 18+ content thing. Which is understandable. But I feel as though people aren't reading all the way through because of the first 2 chapters.

So you can skip chapter 1 and 2 and go straight to chapter 3. It's safe in chapter 3.-

(When Izuku gets hit with a quirk)

"So as you have noticed, Midoriya is absent today." Aizawa-Sensei said. "During a chase of a robber yesterday, he was hit with a quirk that turned him into a vampire." He explained. 

A vampire? Midoriya was turned into a vampire? 

"Because of this, he cannot go into sunlight until the quirk's effects wear off. Also, be careful around him if you have any open wounds. His sense of smell has increased and he developed a taste for blood." He explained further. I felt myself flinch.

Crap. This was terrible. This was not good news for me. I was on my menstrual cycle. I panicked. So that meant I had to avoid him no matter what.

After his announcement, Aizawa returned to his lecture.

Once class was over, I hung back. I wanted to be the last to leave so that maybe everyone being at the dorms would distract Midoriya's newly heightened sense of smell. The last thing I wanted was him seeking me out because of this stupid once a month bleeding from the you know what.

Thankfully, my plan worked. Once I made it to the dorms, I booked it to my room. I was two floors above Midoriya's room so I hoped I was far away enough to not trigger his new craving.


Little did she know, Midoriya was actually on his way to her room. He had a pencil of hers that she had lent to him when his broke. He forgot to give it back to her after class.

Due to his predicament, he was stuck inside so he used this time to clean up his room a bit and found her pencil. So he was on his way to return it. That way he wouldn't forget it again.

However, he stopped short when the elevator doors opened. There was a sudden sweet scent that invaded his senses, causing his heart to pound and vision to become blurry.

A strange sensation ripped at his gut.


Now he knew what this was. Blood. He could smell blood. Someone was bleeding. He could feel himself drooling at the sweet smell.

He didn't realize he was moving until he stopped in front of a door. The source of the sweet scent. It also happened to be his destination. Her room.

She was bleeding? Why? Did she get hurt somewhere? No. Someone surely would have noticed. There was a lot of blood. The smell was so strong, he could barely control himself.

He needed to get out of here. He needed to just walk away. He could return the pencil some other time. It wasn't worth possibly hurting her over.

Bite me - Izuku Midoriya x readerWhere stories live. Discover now