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   Seonghwa's pov

  The next morning, I awoke with arms around my waist and a chest pressed against my back. I sleepily looked through the window of my room at the dark sky and white stars.

As I gazed at the stars, thoughts rushed through my mind, however, when I was pulled even closer to the man behind me, I felt at peace.

Hongjoong was warm, and I didn't want to move an inch away, but the need to use the bathroom was increasing.

  I gently separated the arm above my waist from myself and slid out of bed. I quickly use the bathroom, wash my hands and brushed my teeth. I laid out a new toothbrush still in its package on the counter then made my way back into my room.

  As much as I didn't want to, I had to wake the older man up so he could get ready for work and I could get ready for classes.

  "Joong, it's five thirty; I think it's about time to get up," I said, gently moving his bangs away from his eyes. He groaned and rolled away from my hands.

  "Too early..." Hongjoong mumbled, trying to fall back asleep. I smiled softly at his actions, but continued to wake him up.

  "You probably need to get ready for work, Joong. It's a quarter until six," I said, pulling his arms so he sat instead of laid.

"Fine, I'm up," hongjoong claimed, his eyes still falling closed.

"Do you want coffee? I can make some," I asked. The man who had most of his upper body weight leaned against me nodded. I caressed my fingers through his hair gently.

"Then you'll have to get up and come to the living room," I said. Hongjoong groaned but stood up from my bed and followed me towards my living room.

I paused for a bit seeing Yunho asleep on my couch, then shrugged it off and walked towards the coffee pot I had sat on a table.

I grabbed three to-go cups and filled mine and Yunho's with coffee, creamer, and sugar.

"How much sugar or creamer?" I asked.

"None," Hongjoong said, making me scrunch my nose, but comply. I sat his down in front of him and took Yunho's to him.

"Yun, wake up, I have coffee," I said, shaking his shoulder. The blond sat up quickly at my words and took the cup from my hands.

"Hwa, you're an Angel..." Yunho mumbled, drinking his coffee quickly. I smiled and rolled my eyes, drinking from my own cup.

"Mind telling me why you're on my couch?" I asked.

"You were really upset last night, and I didn't want to leave you alone like that, Hwa," Yunho responded.

"The real reason, please?" I teased.

"Fine, Mingi and I had a disagreement, and I came here around two this morning. You and Hongjoong were laying together, so I took the couch instead," Yunho claimed. I looked at him a bit confusedly.

"Who's Mingi? Yun, do you have a boyfriend? Why didn't you tell me? I have to check him!"

"Mingi is my boyfriend, Hwa; he has been since last semester. I didn't want to tell you sooner because Mingi is Mr. Song's first name... I didn't know how you'd react,"

"Damn, you really did take that crush farther than I thought," I laughed softly, but focused back on the issue at hand.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" I asked carefully. Yunho sat in silence for a bit before shaking his head.

"I have to head out, sweetheart." Hongjoong squatted at the front door as he pulled on his sneakers. He must've gotten dressed as I spoke to Yunho.

"Can I have your number first?" I asked. Hongjoong smiled softly and nodded. I gave him my phone as he handed me his own.

Hongjoong kissed my cheek as though he'd always done so before leaving my dorm.

"What classes do you have today?" I asked, sitting down beside my friend.

"Today I only have History," Yunho sighed, "I don't want to face him, Hwa."

"I can pass by and get the notes for today's lecture from Seungmin, alright? You can just chill out here," I said. Yunho nodded and hugged me tightly before letting me get ready for my early morning art class.

  "My second class isn't until 1 pm, so do you want me to bring you actual food or sweets?" I asked.

  "Will you bring me some chocolate? I'll give you your money back," Yunho asked softly. I smiled sadly at my friend and nodded.

  "I'll be back at ten, alright? I love you, Yun,"

  "I love you, Hwa,"

  I spared one more look at my heartbroken friend before sighing and dropping my bag. I kicked off my shoes and came back beside him.

  "Hwa, you need to-"

  "I haven't missed a single day of Mrs. Hwang's class; it won't kill me to skip one day, alright? Come here." I opened my arms and let him lay his head against my chest. I held my friend closely in silence until he spoke up.

  "He's mad at me, Hwa... I don't know what I did wrong," Yunho said, soft sobs breaking up his words. I carded my fingers through his hair and along his back.

  "Do you want to give it time, or do you want me to play median for you?"

"I don't know... Mingi has never been upset at me like this; he's only ever been pouty with me."

"What happened?"

  "After I called him asking for Hongjoong, he got upset at me. I think he's upset that you all know we're dating,"

  "Do you know what time his last class ends?"

  "Three p.m."

  "I'll play middleman, alright? At around four or five I'll go to him so you can stay here if you want,"

  "Thank you," Yunho mumbled, looking sleepy. I patted his back and helped him stand up.

  "Go climb into bed, Yun. I'll be there in a bit," I said. Yunho rubbed his eyes before walking towards my room.

  I sighed and wiped my palms over my face tiredly. I picked up Yunho's phone from the coffee table and brought it to my room to charge it.

  "Yun, what are these?" I asked him, looking towards the bruises on his waist. His cheeks darkened and I soon knew my answer.

  "I like it rough, ya know? Now come be my pillow," Yunho said, dragging me farther in bed. I laughed softly but allowed the taller man to use me as a pillow.

Teacher's Pet Seongjoong Where stories live. Discover now