How you met

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-you pass by her and often sit next to her in class when there are no more seats. But you've never introduced yourself. So you were like a side character.

- you only introduced yourself when she saved you from nearly getting your head chopped off by the Hyde.

- The only reason you got to keep your head was because she yelled at it and jumped in front of you. It turned away and ran as soon as it saw her.

-"I'm fine i swear! i'll just... walk it off..."

-"You were tossed around like a chew toy and have a huge gash on your side, you can't just, "walk it off"."

-Congratulations! You survived the Hyde and with the one and only Wednesday Addams tending to your wounds to keep you stable until she could get you to the hospital.


-she was one of the first people you met when you were transferred to nevermore.

-as soon as she saw you she made it her goal to be best friends by the end of the day 

- first your getting dropped off the next your gossiping with her.

- you didn't really realize how quick your friendship bloomed until you were trying to fall asleep


-you two were friends as kids because your parents were friends growing up.

- your house was like a safe haven for him to get away from his parents. 

- your family treated him like their own son 

-often would sneak out during the night to go to your house.

-sometimes when his parents left him alone he would just walk out the front door with a suitcase packed and everything.

-during parents weekend he stays with your family


-You two were teemed up for a project because both of your friends were absent 

-honestly you two didn't even know the other existed.

- you both got 100% on the project though.


-You we're walking a few feet behind him walking back from your therapy session when you noticed he dropped his wallet

-picking it up you ran up to return it

-you scared the shit out of him when you tapped his shoulder to tell him he dropped his wallet.

- not even exaggerating he almost pissed himself.

-embarrassed he said thank you and sped off.

-you stood there wondering if he was just jumpy or afraid of Nevermore students.


-You two sit next to each other in class.

- both of you somehow being the odd ones out.

-you two only started talking when the teacher did the, "discuss with the person next to you"


-you found her phone on the fountain after walking back from studying in the library 

-you sprinted to get it to her before curfew since it was 9:50

-got there, gave her phone back, and ran back to your room with a minute to spare.

-She was really confused when you showed up gasping for air

-" i...found your phone...on the fountain... holy shit i just..sprinted here give me a second..."

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