A new creepypasta

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Y/n's POV
What should I do now?
I guess I could look around the room. For some reason this place feels familiar.
Very 'strange'

I went to the nightstand by the bed and opened the top drawer. In the drawer there was a black mask and a blue pendant.
The mask looks cool I'll try it on later. There was also a closet I opened it and there were clothes hanging inside. They were placed nice and neat. Now that I look around again this room is pretty clean. Considering no one was staying in it. There was a box on the closet floor. I was going to open it but I saw a blue light from the corner of my eye. It was the pendant. Obviously I went towards it.
As I picked it up I suddenly felt drowsy.

What is happening to me?
I fell to the floor, the drowsiness was to much. I passed out with the pendant in my hand.
Y/n's POV
I awoke laying on grass?
The grass was dead and when I got up and looked around I was completely surrounded by darkness.

What is this?

For some reason I still had the pendant in my hand.

I decided to stand up.
So where am I?
Is this a dream?
But it feels so real.

It felt like there was someone or something watching me.

Then I heard a voice,"we've been awaiting your return".
The voice echoed all around me.

My return?

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I guess you've forgotten" a different voice spoke, a hint of sadness in their voice.
This voice sounded feminine. The other one sounded like a males voice.

I am very confused.

"Don't worry I'm sure you'll remember soon" the male voice spoke.

I looked around and saw two figures walking up to me. They looked like shadows.

"Who are you?" I asked again.

"Oh right, I am Itami and that is Inei" the feminine one responded.
She sounded happy for some reason. Also I'm surprised I'm not in shock right now.
"I am Y/n" I decided to introduce myself.
"We know" Inei said.
"What do you mean? You know me?" I had so many questions.

"I told you, you'll remember soon enough, for now you should focus on saving your friends" Itami suggested.

Friends, are they really my friends. I've never had one of those before.
I was lost in thought and didn't notice, the two shadowy figures grab my hands.
Itami grabbed my right hand while Inei grabbed my left hand.
I felt my hands starting to become warm. I was now focused on what they were doing.
My hands began to glow.

What is happening?

The two shadow figures were being sucked into the light.

"Now we can be by your side again" they said in unison.

And poof they were gone. Two symbols appeared on my hands.
They were the same symbol just different colors.

On my left it was black

On my left it was black

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