The Person Upstairs

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A rich couple asked someone to baby sit their two kids while they were at a party. The babysitter said yes and babysitted the kids.

While the kids were asleep she was downstairs watching TV, when suddenly the phone rang. She thought it may be the children's parents so she answered the phone. "I've got the kids" a voice said from the phone, her friends knew she was babysitting that night so she just thought it was a prank call so she hung up.

A couple minutes later the phone rang again saying the same thing they said last time, "I've got the kids!" But this time they sounded angry, so the babysitter started to get scared.

She hung up and called the police, and told them that someone was in the house.Thats when she saw a stream of bright light on the stairs. And then a tall figure was walking down the stairs toward her! IV'E GOT THE KIDS!!! The figure screamed. "They're here!" The babysitter said to the police. The police told her to get out of the house immediately and she did so.

The babysitter ran out onto the front porch before the maniac could catch her as the police pulled up. Unfortunately the police were too late... The man really did have the kids, and the kids, were found gagged and dead.

The man was arrested and the parents informed, and the babysitter never babysitted again.

This is a true story and it happened in Kentucky 2010!
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