Don't Sneeze

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Ever tried to sneeze with your eyes open? Well, don't. Unless you want your eyes to pop out of your head...

A seventeen year old girl was found, on the floor, bleeding out, by her mother. She called 911 but, when they got there and tried to put her on a stretcher, they noticed something...Her eye sockets were empty! She had no eyes!

    They later found that she had been putting on mascara and tried not to sneeze. She sneezed anyway but with her eyes still open...they flew out of her head. They also found that the pair had rolled under her bed. She was left in critical condition but survived...but without her eyes.

This is the only account in history of this happening, but still, EVEN IF YOUR MASCARA LOOKS AMAZING, don't be afraid to sneeze.
This was a sorta long one, but anyway...if you could switch eyes with any animal, or if you could have any eye color, what would it be? My answer, I would LOVE to switch eyes with a wolf, just because they have the cool eyesight. And I would like to have green eyes, or blue like mine already are. Leave your answer in the comments!

I'm not posting another chapter until I get at least five votes and comments. Thanks for reading!

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