Allies first friend

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We went out of the swimming pool building and walked along a long path. I had no idea where to and just followed Katie. While walking we talked and got to know each other.

Katie:" So Allie, how old are you?"
Allie:" I am 10 and you?"
Katie:" I am also ten."
Allie:" Cool, then we are the same age. Since when are you living here?"
Katie:" I just came two weeks ago, in the holidays but I already know where everything is and I just got lost twice last week.
Allie:" Haha, well you know I was really scared to come here and that I wouldn't make any friends but now that I met you I am not that much afraid anymore. I hope that everybody here is as nice as you."
Katie:" Thanks. The people here are very polite except for my old roommate „Erika" but she left the school last week."
Allie:" Why, didn't she liked it here?"
Katie:" Well I don't know if she doesn't liked it here but she was very rude to everyone and also got into fights with other students for no reason. After the third time she got expelled which everyone was very happy about."
Allie:" Oh, I am sorry you had her as your roommate but I promise you, that I won't get into fights and I think that I am not rude but when I am just tell me."
Katie:" Yeah, I already thought that you won't fight anyone and you're one of the most polite persons I've ever met."
Allie:"Thank you."
Katie:" So do you wanna tell me why you're here?"
Allie:" My parents wanted me to go to a school without any paparazzi and the kids of one of my moms friends went to this school and he told them how awesome this school is. My mum told my dad and they both were thought that it is the best school for me and my future."
Katie:" Believe me this school is awesome and you maybe don't have your family with you but you will have a lot of friends."
Allie:" I don't think so. I doesn't even speak there language."
Katie:" Mrs.Schmidt told me, that you speak German very well."
Allie:" My mum hired a German tutor two months before I came here but I don't speak it fluent and I also don't understand everything."
Katie:" Don't worry about that. You'll have German lessons here and in no time you will speak fluent German and understand everything."
Allie:" Do you speak German?"
Katie:" Yes, my mum is German so it's my second language."
Allie:" That's cool but you aren't from Germany, are you?"
Katie:" No, I am from America like you."
Allie:" And why are you at this school?"
Katie:" My mum died a couple of years ago and since she died my dad is always on business trips for his company. I was bullied at my old school because of my mums death so I told my dad's manager, that I want to go to this school because my mum went to this school when she was my age and always told me how awesome this school is. Long story short my dad enrolled me at this school and now I am here and I love it.
Allie:" I am really sorry."
Katie:" Don't be. It's ok. After some time it hurts less. Let's talk about you more. You know that everybody on this school already talks about you and wants to see you?"
Allie:" What? Why's that?"
Katie:" It was in our school Magazine, that the daughter of Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson would join this school. Everybody here has rich parents but most are not famous so it's something special that the daughter of two of the most famous actors comes here."
Allie:" So everybody just wants to know me because of my parents. GREAT."
Katie:" No, I didn't mean it like that. They are all excited but they want to know you as you are. At this school it's different.It doesn't count who your parents are, it counts who you are and you are like I said one of the most polite persons I've ever met so you really don't have to worry about that the others won't like you."
Allie:" I hope you're right. I really want to make friends here."
Katie:" Well I am sure many people wants to be your friend and you already have one. (Katie)"

I stopped walking and so did Katie. I hugged her because I was so glad to have her as my friend. This light up my day and made me feel less insecure about my new life.

Allie:" Thank you Katie. I am really glad to have you as my friend and couldn't wish for another roommate."
Katie:" Me too."


805 words

Allie ReynoldsWhere stories live. Discover now