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NARRA HATED THE SMELL OF BLOOD, but here she was, bathing in one. Sighing, she wiped her forehead, which was smeared with the sticky red liquid, and strapped her rifle close to her like a sling bag. She glanced at her reflection on a glass window of some record store and groaned. Everything about her seemed dull and almost dead—her once bright red hair, her tan skin, and even the shine she once had in her brown eyes. It also looked like a monster just puked all over her with blood before it died.

In an attempt to make herself look a little more presentable and feel less uncomfortable, Narra decided to do some shopping. But of course, before she's able to actually do that, she has to get past the obstacles first. Her legs and feet struggled against tons of lifeless bodies scattered on the ground (her fault). Narra thought it would be a lot more convenient for her if they had worn decent clothes, because she could just pick them up right then and there, but all they were wearing was the country's military uniform. It was a boring color and didn't really fit Narra's style. Therefore, going to the nearby department store was the only choice.

Finally, after a few frustrated grumbles and some cursing, Narra was able to make it out of there and reach the said store. She quickly grabbed some decent clothes, wiped herself clean, and wore them. As someone who got blood on them most of the time or probably ALL the time, one would think she'd get used to it, but no. Narra itched to get out of the blood-covered clothes as immediately as she could.

"Shit," Narra muttered after a few minutes of solitude. She remembered that she had to meet up with her "friends" at a convenience store. It wasn't that far from where she was, but because she had taken her sweet time changing into her clothes, she was now running a bit late.

When Narra got there, she was trying so hard not to let anyone notice that she's catching her breath. She was the last to arrive, so everyone turned their attention onto her like they just saw her perform a miracle. Or an exorcism. Whichever applies.

"I see you got the time to pick out some cute clothes, but not the time to be on time, huh?" A guy she knew so well scoffed. He crossed his arms which emphasized the veins in his bulky arms. "You think we're people who should be waiting for you? Some friend you are."

Her eyes roamed the place and noticed the pile of bodies at the corner. She started counting them in her head and took a shaky breath after. Narra clenched her fists. She faced about fifty soldiers on her own, bathed in their blood, and had to struggle her way out of there, while they, a group of four, only had eleven soldiers to take care of, had just a few blood stains on their clothes, and spent the remaining minutes waiting for Narra in a convenience store with no difficulty walking or sitting, but they had the guts to scold her for being late?

Narra wanted to scream: THE AUDACITY!

Instead, she maintained her poker face. "Thanks, Brendan. I know your fashion sense could never be anywhere close to cute."

Brendan's jaw dropped as some giggles emerged from the two girls beside him. His reddened cheeks matched the color of his jacket over his neon green t-shirt. Narra couldn't even bring herself to smile even if she succeeded in embarrassing him because of his poor choice in clothing. Brendan looked like an unpleasant splash of rainbow that even unicorns would steer clear of.

"She got you there good, Brendan," one of them said.

"Shut up, Hannah. You, too, Pia." Brendan growled at them which made them laugh even harder.

"Oh my gosh, Brendan! You sounded like a bulldog right now."

When Brendan scowled, Hannah covered her mouth with her hands in an attempt to stop herself. She couldn't do it, and in the end, doubled over in laughter. Pia had to hold her just so she wouldn't fall face plant onto the floor. Narra knew Hannah laughs at almost everything, but sometimes, she still couldn't believe it even when she'd seen it with her own eyes.

The other guy, who was silent the entire time, walked up to Narra and grabbed her by the collar. The atmosphere suddenly changed and the air seemed colder. Brendan and the others composed themselves—even Hannah sobered up. Narra just stared at the man holding her, wondering what she ever did wrong to make him so mad at her.

Neither of them seemed to want to back down from the staring contest, but after a few minutes, the guy finally let her go.

"Next time, don't make us wait. Just because we treat you as a friend doesn't mean you should take advantage." Then he glanced at his companions as he shoved her away. "Stop fucking around. We have a lot of work to do."

"Well, you heard our leader," Pia said, trying to shift the mood. "Let's go—hey, Colton, wait up!"

The three started to catch up to Colton, and Narra couldn't help but remember a thing from the past as she watched their backs.

Friends? They shouldn't make jokes like that because it's not funny. Narra was never their friend and they were never her friends either. The only friends Narra had were those classmates of hers a year ago... before the war broke out and ruined their lives.


Narra's ears perked up at the mention of a name. She glanced around and saw that they were nearing the camp base. Narra walked up to her companions who were huddled together, wanting to confirm what she heard. They were all too busy talking to even notice her approach.

"Why'd you stop here, Colton? What's the matter?" Hannah asked.

Colton's gaze was fixated at something on the ground. After a few seconds of silence, he coldly muttered, "I thought I saw something valuable. Turns out it's just a piece of trash. Let's go."

"If you say so." Brendan shrugged. He then turned and almost jumped when he saw Narra beside him. "Shit, you scared—I mean, walk faster or you'll keep holding us back. Ugh."

They all went back to walking while Narra stayed behind to look at what Colton was staring at. When she saw it, she had to cover her mouth to choke back a sob. No, Narra thought. It couldn't possibly be true.

There, on the ground, lay a cold and lifeless body, wearing the country's military uniform, with a name tag stitched on it that said, Primo Cuenca.

Narra felt the world crumble around her.

Her last hope vanished as her first love was dead.

Someone Who Will Peel Off The Fish Bones (2022)Where stories live. Discover now