CHAPTER 7: Nothing more, nothing less

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NARRA WAS OBVIOUSLY AVOIDING HIM AGAIN. But this time, Primo had a hunch as to why. Does Narra really have a boyfriend? Why hasn't he seen him? And why didn't she tell him anything about it? Suddenly, Primo remembered the day Narra saw him cry. She said she was expecting someone that day, but she saw Primo instead. Could she actually be waiting for her boyfriend that time?

It's too early to conclude things. There were too many questions and very minimal answers. Primo wanted definite answers from Narra herself. But it wasn't like he could talk to her right now since a lot of things were happening at school all at once (that is, aside from the fact that she was avoiding him). As much as he wanted to, he couldn't bring himself to be a distraction to Narra right now... so he let the days pass by without confronting her.

"Hey, the guys are planning to have a study session for the midterm exams tomorrow, you coming?" A classmate came up to him with a bunch of others behind him. Primo smiled and gripped his bag strap.

"Sorry, Kyle, I have taekwondo practice again today."

His classmates stared at him incredulously. "But it's midterms tomorrow!"

"Yeah, besides you need to take a break from your taekwondo practice, my guy." Kyle said while the others chimed in with "yeah!" and "he's right!".

Primo honestly didn't need to review a day before the exam. He always took the time to look at his notes at home and whenever he had nothing to do, so he'd pretty much had his review. He just shrugged at Kyle and gave the others a polite and apologetic smile.

"Sorry, I have to go."

His classmates just let him leave, and as much as he wanted to spend time with them to get his mind off of things, Sage would have his head if he ditched practice. He's so much worse than Luca when it comes to discipline.

Entering the dojang always fired Primo up, same as the feeling he got whenever he entered the basketball court to play. Various decorations filled the walls of the room—there was a lot of writings in Hangul, pictures of past and present taekwondo members, and the bulletin board. There were also the flags of South Korea and the Philippines on opposite corners of the room near the stage. On the floor were a lot of mats placed and also lying on it was his childhood friend Sage holding up a small yet familiar handkerchief.

Primo went up to him. "What are you doing?" His heart started beating like a drum when he recognized the handkerchief Sage was holding. He felt a lump in his throat.

Sage abruptly got up. His face turned red as he tried to hide the handkerchief. "Nothing."

Primo did his best to keep his face straight. "Where did you get that?" he asked. "The handkerchief?"

Sighing in defeat, Sage let him see the handkerchief. "I saw Narra drop it days ago while she was on her way home. I tried running after her to return it, but she was already gone. I've been busy with practice lately, so I couldn't go to her immediately..."

"I'll take it to her." Primo offered. At least now he has another idea as to why Narra was avoiding him. She was probably embarrassed she lost the handkerchief he gave her.

But Sage just shook his head and tightened his grip on the piece of cloth.

He stared at it, his cheeks reddening. "Thanks, man, but... I think I'll return it myself. I have plans about it already."

Primo felt his heart twist in a knot. Sage was acting weird. His eyes widened in realization.

"Sage... do you... like Narra?"

His friend didn't even have to answer because it was written all over his ripe tomato-colored face. Primo couldn't believe it. Of all people, why did he have to like Narra, Primo's girl friend?

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