CHAPTER 9: Guard the Narra tree

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IT WAS AN AWKWARD MONDAY MORNING. Well, at least, that's what Primo thought. It's been a few minutes since recess started, and as usual, Primo and Narra had to spend it inside the student council room. But them being alone together wasn't what made it awkward...

Standing in attention next to his best friend's desk, Primo stared at the window in the corner of his eye. The figure near it immediately hid. He then turned his gaze to Narra, who was currently drowning in paperworks. Primo sighed, shoulders slumped.

What made the morning awkward was the fact that Queenie was watching the two of them without their—or only Narra since Primo already noticed it—knowledge and consent.

He didn't know if he should go outside and ask her what she wants, or if he should just let it be because technically, she's not bothering them, anyway. Primo just felt uncomfortable because he could feel her gaze from afar. Was she just gonna hide there and peek at them the whole break?

"What's bothering you?" Narra's sudden question brought Primo out of his thoughts. "You're fidgety." She didn't look up from her desk and was still writing while waiting for his answer.

Primo stopped himself from slouching. He stood up straight and went to sit on the chair adjacent to her desk. He propped his right elbow on the table.

"Well, you see..." Primo whispered. "The girl you saved last Friday? She's there. Outside. She's been watching us since we got here... and, well, I feel a bit creeped out."

Narra stared at him with big eyes. "I thought you were used to being stared at ever since you decided to look more presentable."

Primo glared at her. "Don't tease me. I didn't ask for girls to fawn over me."

He said that, but deep inside his heart, he was glad. So Narra did notice the change in his appearance, after all. His efforts were not in vain.

Narra unexpectedly burst out in laughter. "Oh my gosh, Primo! This is the first time I ever heard you talk like that! I didn't know you could be conceited!"

Before Primo could answer, a knock on the door interrupted their banter. When it opened, it revealed Queenie delos Santos. The girl whom Narra saved that unfateful day.

She was petite with shoulder-length blonde hair. Behind her black thick-rimmed glasses were sparkling blue eyes. If it weren't for her surname, Primo would have thought she was a full-blooded American because she didn't look like she had Filipino blood at all. Even her skin was pale with a tinge of light pink, most likely because of the heat.

As far as Primo knew, Luca was able to get her home safely that day. He also told Primo that Queenie wasn't the talkative type and was actually generally shy. Primo even bet that those two would get along if they spent more time together. Luca seriously needed other friends aside from them.

"Sorry to interrupt, but..." Before Queenie could finish, she stumbled on her way inside. "Oh!"

Primo immediately got up from his seat and assisted her. "Careful," he added. He stepped away when she was finally able to stand upright. Narra continued to stare at Queenie as Primo made his way back to her side.

With her cheeks flushed from embarrassment, Queenie turned to Narra. "Um... hello. My name is Queenie delos Santos. Just like you, I'm a 3rd year student from section C. You probably don't know me." She fidgeted with the hem of her blouse. "A-anyway, I just wanted to apologize for what happened that day. I really appreciate what you did for me and I wanted to ask you if we could be—"

"It's nothing." Narra cut her off. "It's my duty as the student council president, anyway. Don't worry about it."

Queenie opened her mouth to speak, but Narra beat her to it. "If that's all, you can go. We still have a lot to do and the break's ending in less than ten minutes."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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