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Well, we're done for today! Go take a shower!” he told them
"You come here!" he told us
We came down from the stands. Since my knee was injured, I was a little bit tired as I have been for a few days. I saw how Neymar looked at me, but when he noticed how I was walking and noticed my hand, his look changed to caring. He looked into my eyes, I looked away and went to the coach, I still felt his gaze on me.
"So what did you come up with?"
We showed him our notes
"This is what you did the whole time?!" he bellowed after us
"After all, I knew this myself! They know about these mistakes too!"
"I've had enough! You'll be training whit them from tomorrow! And I don't want to hear anything! Get out of here!" He buzzed after us.
I went to get my sweatshirt in the stands, we were about to leave
"Wait! Today at 16 you will come to the clubhouse, you will meet the football players, now run!"
We better leave
"He thinks I'm going to train with them? He can fuck off" said Cassie
"Eh eh, what am I supposed to say?" I pointed to my arm and leg.
"oops heh"
"But now let's eat, I'm super hungry" I told them
The guys started talking about something on the way, we came to the dining room and we laughed like idiots at what the guys said.
"bom dia, o que você quer?"
(Good morning, what would you like?)

"Um, sorry, we don't speak Portuguese" I said
"Okay" she smiled at us
"What would you like?"
"I would have those waffles, they look amazing" I said and smiled at her
"Me too" said Cassie
"We'll have the pancakes" said the guys
She loaded us and we went to eat, the football players just came to eat, we ignored them and talked.
"Liv move on, I want to go to sleep" said Cassie, I finished it quickly and we went to the bathroom
"Thank you very much, it was great, goodbye!" I said with a smile and we went to the rooms, the guys had a room on the first floor. We said goodbye, we went upstairs and they went to the room, we went upstairs, I opened the door and the first thing I did was lay down on the bed.
Cass did the same. I fell asleep in a moment.

I woke up with a great feeling that I had slept well, I looked at the clock and it was 15:55. I jumped out of bed and woke Cassie up
"Cass get up! It's 3:55pm" she jumped out of bed just like me, I kept my clothes on, we combed our hair and ran to the clubhouse. We searched for her for about 10 minutes, we got there at 16:10. We went in there and saw all the football players there,
"Ah! There are the boys, let's go after them!" Cassie said and followed the boys. I went after her.
"Hello" we hugged them
"Hey, where have you been?"
"We overslept a little" the guys started laughing at us
"Is something funny to you?"
"You are completely like children, you get up, eat and sleep again" we smiled at them sarcastically
"We are here too" I looked in that direction and saw that two football players were standing in front of us
"I forgot about you" Jaden laughed
"So this is Thiago Silva and this is David Luiz and guys this is Olivia and this is Cassie" Jaden introduced us
"It's nice to meet you" I said and hugged them and they hugged us
We started talking.
"I'm going to get some drinks, anyone want?" I asked
"Soft drink Liv! You're only 17" Jason told me drunkenly
"If i was you, I won't say anything to you, so do you want something?"
"Give us what we had once more"
I went to the counter and ordered what they had and I ordered a coke for me and Cassie.
"o que uma garota tão bonita está fazendo aqui sozina?"
(What does such a pretty girl do to you alone?)
I heard someone's voice next to me, I turned and saw him
"Umm, sorry but I don't speak Portuguese" I said
"Really? A girl from Brazil can't speak Portuguese?"
"I'm not from Brazil"
"And from where? if I may know"
"From Europe"
"You're welcome" said the barman and gave me a tray with drinks
"Thank you" I smiled at him
I wanted to leave
"Wait! What's your name?" he asked me
"It's a mystery, you have to find out for yourself" I said, smiling at him and going to the table. I gave them drinks and sat down. We were there for about an hour and at 23:00 we went to the rooms, Thiago and David helped us take the boys to the room, we said goodbye to each other and went to our rooms, I took a shower and went to bed at 23:45.

Merry Christmas everybody!

𝓜𝔂 𝓰𝓲𝓻𝓵 / 𝐍𝐄𝐘𝐌𝐀𝐑 𝐉𝐑Where stories live. Discover now