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scientist1:it should be almost complete

scientist2:ja the first male ship and the third Bismarck class

scientist1:we should finish this tomorrow I'm getting kinda tired

scientist2:ok then good night

as the 2 scientist went home but one of them had an extremely strange dream

scientist1:ahh where am i- what the h#ll

the scientist sees the shipgirl's and siren working together and he sees a person in a black and gold suit that a statue of 24 statue each one has pose but last one is different it looks like man

scientist1:what is happening?


then multiple giant robots starts attack that person then the person snap it's figure then all the giant robots

???: pathetic fools like you think can defeat me?

then that person took out an item that looks like a watch then press it said

(Digital beeping) diend!

then that person now has a blue gun then that person put a card then it said

???:Kamen Ride: blade king form

then he put another card in

???:Kamen Ride: zi-o ohma form

then he put another one in

???:Kamen Ride: zero two

then that person shoots then three new people appeared

then that person shoots then three new people appeared

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scientist1: w-what the

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scientist1: w-what the

royal straight flush

King Finish Time! King Time Break!

zero two big bang!

then the other two jump straight to the ship girls and sirens killing the one's that where hit

then the other use the sword and did a slash and the one's who got hit were turn in nothing

???:heh do you all get it now? none of can defeat not even traveling back can now bow to me if you want to live!


???:then so be it...

then that person snap his fingers then a few black holes appeared sucking the sirens and destroying them

then scientist wakes up

scientist1:Ah!-oh it was just a dream

then scientist went back to the lab and finish and went somewhere to get someone

scientist1:miss Bismarck Tirpitz


scientist1:I would like you two to come pls

Tirpitz:very well then

then the scientist went back to the lab with Bismarck and Tirpitz

to be continued

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