chapter 5

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as they where docussing about how woz able to beat waser open Friedrich August mainz Odin and zepplin easy like ants then then they where all called to a meeting by sakura empire then they where stop by woz


woz:I'm sorry my emperess but you must leave the alliance at once

when woz said that all the iron blood shipgirl's started questioning why

woz:my emperess there is something something I want to tell you and I know this might hurt you but this is very important but can you call all iron blood ships to return to the base please?

Bismarck:very well then return back to the base now

then all the iron blood shipgirl's from many places excluding Tirpitz kreig and Bismarck return to the base and wondered why their leader called them back to their base but soon don't care about that and ready to go back now

kreg:woz what's happening why didn't you want Schwester to not go there?

woz:my demon king pls understand I will explain everything when they get back

when all the iron blood shipgirl's wondering why they where all called here

hipper:why did lord Bismarck call us call us all back?

peter:ja I wonder why is she calling everyone back

z23:I think this must be important

Bismarck:all right you all probably wondering why I told you all to come back he will explain it

then Bismarck moves aside then woz talk's on the microphone

woz:well then let me start explaining

then woz opened his book

woz: Bismarck was supposed to be sink an operation rheinubung as well as well as many other iron blood ships will also be sink or scrap on many occasions due to earth history of timeline

then all the iron blood started get worried on what he said many wondered how are they still here then woz answered there questions by continuing

woz:due to my demon king have the power of ohma zi-o as well due to his unique existance that history have changed and many planets from outside the multiverse might start to fuse with their world and eventually destroyed

then all the iron blood ship started to freak out on how to save their world from what's happening

woz:and the only way to save it is only depend on my demon king and my emperess decision whether so save it or not

Bismarck: nonsense of course we will save it right Bruder?


then woz continues

woz:we might have a chance to find out where is siren's home planet and negatiate with them so that iron blood can win this war

then all the iron blood started thinking about ohma zi-o power while woz continues

woz:and my demon kind and iron blood needs an army of dai mazine and kasshins to counter the sirens and project orochi if things didn't go well or somethings go wrong will happen

then all iron blood started thinking what they look like

Bismarck:do you have blue prints for these "dai mazine" and "kasshins"?

woz:yes my empress

then woz gives her the blue prints

Bismarck:thank you and what's project orochi?

woz: project orochi is a siren ship that sakura empire is building

then all iron blood where shock

Bismarck:why would they build a siren ship?

woz:the true motive is to revive amagi and their cooperating with the siren's

Bismarck:what? is there anybody else know about this?

woz: unfortunately no kaga and akagi where doing it behind red axis back

Bismarck:tch those snakes we need to- eh Bruder?

Bismarck doesn't see kreig anywhere

Bismarck: where's Bruder?

with kreig

kreig mind:cmon where is she?

then kreig sees half of hood parts

kreig mind:finally

as kreig is heading back to iron blood he fixes hood

krieg:are you alright?

hood?:I think I am who are you who am I?

kreig mind:she doesn't remember? what should I say

kreig:your uhhh your KMS hood my right hand lady

hood?:oh I'm sorry you're majesty I seem to have forgotten

krieg mind:just like that?

after they returned from iron blood there where some problems like how Bismarck was surprised to see hood alive and wearing iron blood ringings eventually krieg said that he fixed her and she doesn't remember anything

meanwhile at azur lane where Queen Elizabeth is having a nightmare

Elizabeth then sees ohma zi-o destroying allot of orochi ships with his telekinesis alone where everything is exploding everywhere with dragreder breath fireball attack on shipgirl's and sirens heavily damaging or killing them then suddenly people started sneak attacking him by surprise but it was useless becouse he uses cronus pause and kabuto hyper clock up and destroying all of the shipgirl's and sirens who sneak attack him by the range of 100m on 0.01 second and summon kuuga amazing mighty form who then kick's them making a gaint Piller of fire rising up to the sky destroying hiroshima and Nagasaki and using evol black hole power to create a giant black hole sonsuming the whole world and finally using final attack ride: decade to destroy other planets then ohma zi-o looks at her as she's backs away from fear ohma zi-o is slowly gaining on as his visers unleashing a extremely deadly aura as he got near her he started choking her

Elizabeth:pls *cough* ha- *cough* ve mercy

ohma zi-o: did you really think that you a little queen and your pathetic fleet have a chance to deafeat me? for you know this,you weren't born to become queen you are just a false queen that think and act high and mighty just becouse your name is after the real queen Elizabeth and your childish attitude alone have brought shame to the real one and for that you really are just a pretender and a coward who just hide behind others and know this,I was born to be a king

then ohma zi-o stop choking her and drop's her to the ground

ohma zi-o:tell the other factions and your servents from your faction that no matter how long or where are they hiding I will come after their lives and slowly killing them all one by one shipgirl after shipgirl until there Is no one going to see the day of light on their alliance and don't even try to escape got that?

then Elizabeth slowly nods in fear

ohma zi-o:good now then

then he brings out a ridewatch and press it

(Digital beeping) chaser!

then he summons the Shingou-Ax


ohma zi-o:good bye! false Queen!

as ohma zi-o about to slash Elizabeth with the Shingou-Ax she then Wakes up and breathing extremely heavy as tears is coming out of her eyes

Elizabeth:w-what was that nightmare!? it felt so........real

then when tries to sleep again but unfortunately it was hopeless she's get's the same nightmare every time she tries to sleep

to be continued

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