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"My name is Lee Minho by the way, thought you might want to know" Minho smirked once again. "Now, about your brother-"  "You don't know shit about my brother!" Jisung shouted and spat at Minho which made him slightly angry. He grabbed Jisung's face and made him look up at him. "You better behave, now go on....spit at me one more time and see what happens" Minho had a smug look on his face but it soon disappeared when Jisung spat at him again. "You little-" Minho raised his hand to Jisung and went to hit him but Changbin walked into the room and stopped what was about to happen. Minho rolled his eyes and looked at Changbin. "What?" He questioned. "Uh, Chan needs you..for something" Changbin answered and glared at Jisung. "Ugh ok, get Hyunjin or Felix to show this one the room next to mine, that's where he'll be sleeping" Minho said before walking out. 

Changbin looked over at Jisung once more and saw him mouth the words "thank you". Changbin nodded in response "Be lucky he's sparring you, you must be something special" He said and quickly got Hyunjin to take Jisung to his new room. When Hyunjin walked in, Jisung was fast asleep on the chair. Hyunjin chuckled to himself and walked over to Jisung, untying him from the chair and carefully picking him up. Jisung gently nuzzled Hyunjin in his sleep making Hyunjin's face go red. He quickly shook it off and carried Jisung to his new room, laying him on his bed and covering him with blankets. Hyunjin smiled slightly and walked out, closing the door behind him.


Minho walked into Chan's room with a bored expression on his face. "What did you need me for?" He asked as he sat down. Chan looked up at him and crossed his arms. "Well, as you've decided to keep him, you're gonna have to make him trust you so we can find out where his brother is." Minho smirked. "Don't worry, that'll be an easy task for me." "Ok just don't do anything stupid ok?" Chan finished with and Minho walked out the door. 

He headed towards Jisung's new room and knocked on the door but he didn't get an answer. He knocked again and just ended up walking in, seeing Jisung  asleep in his bed. Minho walked over to him and sat on the edge of his bed, stroking his hair gently and admiring his beautiful features. "You're so pretty" Minho whispered. Jisung slowly woke up and looked around before his eyes met with Minho's. "Good morning Kitten" Minho smiled making Jisung slightly blush at the nickname. He sat up and yawned , looking into Minho's eyes once again. "I-is this my room?" Jisung asked and Minho nodded. "It is, unless you wanna sleep with me in my room" He smirked making Jisung blush and shake his head. "That's ok, if you change your mind tell me" Minho gave Jisung a friendly smile. Jisung smiled slightly back. "I'll leave you be for now. If you need anything, let me know. Okay Kitten?"  Jisung nodded again and smiled a bit more before Minho kissed his forehead and walked out.

Jisung laid down on his bed, thinking about nothing except Minho. There was something about him that kept attracting Jisung to him. "Lee Minho what are you doing to me....?"

SLAY. I should update like once or twice a week so yaa. This chapter was a bit shorted bcuz i didnt rlly know what to write but enjoy. plz vote and comment :)) <33

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