Temporary Members

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"Yikes that looks gnarly." Zuma says as the group watches a dark storm brew from headquarters.

"I've never seen a storm like that before." Liberty says as Chase notices Alexis giving a nervous look.

"Are you okay?" Chase asks.

"It's just... the last time I saw my parents was when they were taken from me by another pack. I remember there being a very terrible storm when it happened." Alexis says as she pins her ears back.

"It's okay. I'm here with you." Chase says reassuringly.

"I'm glad you are." Alexis says as she smiles at Chase.

"Paw Patrol what's your emergency?" Ryder asks as he answers a distress call.

"What's the emergency? The mesoscale convective is causing exponential thermal lift and catastrophic down bursts in over 190 knots!" A woman says in alarm.

"What?" The group asks.

"She means it's brewing to be a super storm." Alexis says.

"Yes and it's being caused by a weather control device that's unleashing a week's worth of bad weather all at once." The woman says.

"Take cover. We're on our way." Ryder says as the group heads to leave.


"Good luck Chase! Be careful." Alexis says as she and Liberty watch the others leave.

"You know Liberty, Alexis I've been thinking. You guys are kinda like honorary members of the team right?" Ryder asks.

"Right." Liberty says.

"But to be an official member you'd both need faster vehicles right?" Ryder asks.

"We know our vehicle isn't very fast and neither is running on our own four paws." Alexis says before two motorcycle vehicles appear with one being pink and the other a light shade of blue with white patterns on it.

"Whoa." Liberty says.

"Are these for us?" Alexis asks.

"Yep. Now go suit up you two and get going." Ryder says as Alexis and Liberty leave to suit up.

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