chapter 4 *no title*

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Tw: self harm

Juicy's pov
Eddie hadn't stopped crying for 3 days and my heart felt like it was being stabbed in a million different places and tortured when i saw eddie hurt... i cant help but.... feel shitty

Eddie's pov
I looked at myself in the mirror my hands holding a bloody blade while my blood dripped down my arm. The door suddenly opened and juicy ran in and grabbed the blade

Juicy's pov
I grabbed the blade without thinking
"EDDIE WHY!?" i dropped the blade and grabbed his arms, i pulled him out the bathroom and into the kitchen. I picked up the first aid kit and put a special liquid wich would stop it from getting infected and put bandage on his arm
"Eddie....we talked about this"eddie stayed silent for a few minutes before saying
"I know... and im sorry...i- i-" i cut eddie off by kissing him he could feel the tear running down my face. I sat down next to eddie and grabbed his waist
"Eddie, i love u alot but we need to stop this from happening, it hurts me even tho the cuts arent on me" i moved closer by sitting on his lap and tightly hugging him i looked at his face and smiled. He smiled back and even though it was tiny, its good enough for a start.

A few weeks later

Juicy's pov
Its been a while and eddie seems to be getting mentally better so i thought of supprising him. I went to a store for a while

Eddie's pov
Juicy hd gone to the store and i was left alone, i was really bored until i heard the door i jumped up and ran to the door and jumped into juicy's arms he squeezed me while my legs were wrapped around him
"You must of missed me" he said smiling. I smiled back and said
"Ofcourse i did dummy" i laughed as he put me down. He brought a box out and a bag. I was confused
"Whats all that for" i questioned him and he told me
"Its for you" we both walked in and sat on the couch as he handed me the bag. Inside it had a photo frame of me and him a few years ago when we were just friends. I smiled
"Hah i remember that day, its the day we kissed" we both laughed and in the bag was some chocolates, flowers and some clothes. He then handed me a box and it was... moving. I opened it and i nearly cried it was a beautiful fluffy white cat
"What are you gonna name it eddie"
"I dont know"
Comment what we should name it ;)
I jumped into juicy's arms once more crying

Juicy's pov
I smiled and hugged him tightly. It was great to see him happy again

But nothing stays the same... and eddie had a secret he hadnt told juicy for a while, he hasnt told anyone about this.... but what could be so bad.... after all, this is just life....

The Secret Of Two Friends Juicy X EddieWhere stories live. Discover now